Projects & Programs

HSA Awards

Section includes descriptions and the recipients of awards The Herb Society of America presents annually.

Herb Society of America Gardens

The Herb Society of America planted a Headquarters Demonstration Garden in June 2001. See this section for more images of the herb garden.

National Herb Garden, Washington D.C.

The National Herb Garden provides a gateway to the world of herbs and began as a gift from The Herb Society of America to the American people. Hands on exhibits and interpretive signage help visitors understand herbs in context with their history and use. 

Plant Collections

In 1996 The Herb Society of America established a series of Plant Collections held by Units or groups of members of the organization. The plant collections page summarizes the basic purposes and describes the composition of the collections. 

Seed Exchange

One of the many educational activities of The Herb Society of America involving botany & horticulture. Members volunteer their time to collect, package, and catalog seeds. The selection varies year to year but includes common and lesser known culinary, aromatic, economic, and medicinal herbs plus many varieties commonly grown as ornamentals. Seeds are available to members in January and to the public at a nominal price from March until early November.  


Regional and National Symposia are conducted by members or units of The Society throughout the United States and Canada. These educational programs are open to the public and just one of the ways that members share their experience with others. For a list of events coming to your area, see our Calendar of Events




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