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Title: Factors associated with variation in home-range size of Appilachian Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa Umbellus)
Author(s): Whitaker, Darroch M.; Stauffer, Dean F.; Norman, Gary W.; Devers, Patrick K.; Edwards, John; Giuliano, William M.; Harper, Craig; Igo, William, Sole, Jeff; Spiker, Harry; Tefft, Brian
Date: 2007
Source: The Auk Vol. 124, No. 4 1-18
Description: From 1996 to 2001, researchers at 10 Appalachian study sites collected radio tracking data sufficient to delineate 1,054 seasonal home ranges of Ruffed Grouse (Banasa umbellus; hereafter "grouse"). Using information-theoretic model selection and paired comparison of home ranges from individual grouse, we evaluated individual, local, and landscape factors hypothesized to affect grouse home-range size. Females and juvenile males occupied home ranges that averaged >2x larger than those of adult males, and home ranges of females averaged 2.6x larger during successful breeding seasons than during years of reproductive failure. Clearcuts and forest roads are considered high-quality covers, and both were more prevalent in smaller home ranges.
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