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Title: Implications of groundwater hydrology to buffer designs an the southeastern U.S.
Author(s): Sun, Ge; Vose, James M.; Amatya, Devendra M.; Trettin, Carl; McNulty, Steven G.
Date: 2008
Source: American Water Resources Association 2008 Summer Specialty Conference: June 30-July 2, 2008
Description: The objective of this study was to examine the hydrologic processes of shallow groundwater to better define and design forest riparian management zones in headwater streams of two contrasting terrains in the southeastern U.S. We employed two long-term experimental watersheds, WS80 (206 ha) and WS77 (151 ha) at the Santee Experimental Forests in South Carolina, and WS2 (12 h) at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab in the southern Appalachians in North Carolina. These two separate research sites represent a low-gradient and a steep mountain terrain, respectively. Groundwater table monitoring (biweekly) over three years (1992-1994) at the two low-gradient watersheds suggest that the temporal water table variability is extremely high for most of the 84 wells while the spatial variability is smaller (<0.5 m). These two watersheds periodically had saturated areas a water level less than 30 cm extending much farther than the stream riparian zones.
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