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Title: In situ measurement of Larval Salamander growth using individuals marked with acrylic polymers
Author(s): Johnson, Brent R.; Wallace, J. Bruce
Date: 2002
Source: Herpetological Review, 2002, 33(1), 29-32.
Description: Mark-recapture studies are often used to provide valuable life history information for animal populations. However, long-term marking of larval amphibians has been problematic because of their small size, delicate skin, and ability to regenerate tissues (Cecil and Just 1978; Donnelly et al. 1994; Seale and Boraas 1974). Procedures that have been used to mark larvae include fin-clipping (Turner 1960), whole-body staining with neutral red (Guttman and Creasey 1973; Herreid and Kinney 1966), injection of mineral oil and petroleum jelly mixtures (Seale and Boraas 1974), application of fluorescent pigments with gas pressure (Ireland 1989; Taylor and Deegan 1982) or heat brands (Ireland 1973), and application of a Congo red and dimethyl sulfoxide paste (Ireland 1989).
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