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Title: Bottomland hardwood forest recovery following tornado disturbance and salvage logging
Author(s): Nelson, John L.; Groninger, John W.; Battaglia, Loretta L.; Ruffner, Charles M.
Date: 2008
Source: Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 388-395
Description: Catastrophic wind events, including tornado, hurricane. and linear winds. are significant disturbances in temperate forested wetlands. Information is lacking on how post-disturbance salvage logging may impact short and long-term objectives in conservation areas where natural stands are typically managed passively. Woody regeneration and herbaceous cover were assessed for three years in a bottomland hardwood forest across a gradient of damage from an F4 tornado, with and without subsequent salvage logging. Soil disturbance intensity and recovery associated with salvage logging within wind-disturbed sites were also assessed. Woody stem density and proportion of potential overstory species (species with the potential to occupy a position in the canopy) increased as a function of wind disturbance intensity. Stem density, proportion of overstory trees, or species diversity did not differ between wind + salvage and wind-disturbed-only plots. Significant dissimilarity occurred among soil disturbance classes within salvaged sites. By the third growing season, vegetation in soil disturbance classes in wind + salvage areas was converging toward undisturbed conditions and bottomland hardwood forest recovery was underway in all vegetation disturbance types and soil disturbance classes. Post-tornado salvage logging, applied judiciously. may contribute to microsite and vegetation diversity.
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