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Title: Changes in site productivity and the recovery of soil properties following wet- and dry-weather harvesting disturbances in the Atlantic Coastal Plain for a stand of age 10 years
Author(s): Eisenbies, Mark H.; Burger, James A.; Aust W. Michael; Patterson Steven C.
Date: 2007
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1336-1348 (2007)
Description: Wet-weather logging can cause severe soil physical disturbances and redistribute residues. Although some research indicates negative effects of such disturbances on individual tree growth, the long-tenn resilience and resistance of soils and the ameliorative effects of site preparation are not fully understood. Three 20 ha loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations located on fertile wet pine flats on the coastal plain of South Carolina were subjected to five treatment combinations of harvest (wet and dry) and site preparation. Mean tree heights were 10.2-11.5 m, and stand biomass ranged between 95 and 143 Mg/ha. A rank diagnostic indicates that wet-weather harvesting did not significantly change site productivity between rotations, and bedding improved site productivity. At the polypedon scale (0.04 ha), there were no significant differences in tree height, biomass, or the rank diagnostic among classes of soil physical disturbances or harvesting residues when bedding was employed. On nonbedded sites, some levels of disturbance appeared to be superior to minimally disturbed sites. Based on 10 year results, wet pine flats are apparently resistant and resilient to the effects of wet-weather harvesting.
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