USDA Forest Service

Manti-La Sal National Forest


Manti-La Sal National Forest
599 W. Price River Dr.
Price, UT 84501

(435) 637-2817

United States Department of Agriculture mantilasal Service.





Safety Alerts, Fires, Advisories, Closures, and Restrictions

The 1,413,111-acre Manti-La Sal National Forest is located in southeastern Utah. It is managed for multiple uses such as range, timber, minerals, water, wildlife, and recreation. The Forest is divided into three land areas: the Manti Division, the La Sal Division at Moab, and the La Sal Division at Monticello.

The Manti Division is part of the remnant Wasatch Plateau (5,000 to 10,000 foot elevation) exhibiting high elevation lakes, diverse vegetation, near vertical escarpments, and areas of scenic and geologic interest.

On the La Sal Division-Moab, mountain peaks (12,000 foot elevation), canyons, and forest add climatic and scenic contrast to the hot red-rock landscape of Arches (5,000 foot elevation) and Canyonlands National Parks.

The La Sal Division-Monticello offers timbered slopes to provide a welcome middle ground and background contrast to the sand and heat of Canyonlands National Park, Natural Bridges National Monument, and the surrounding desert. Pictographs, petroglyphs, and stone dwellings are evidence of past civilizations.

Private and state lands exist within the Forest boundaries and may be closed to public use. Please refer to maps and information on land ownership, which may be obtained from the Ranger District offices.

Highlights and News

Secure Rural Schools

On October 3, 2008, H.R. 1424 became Public Law (P.L.) 110-343.  Section 601 in Division C of H.R. 1424 reauthorized and amended the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 as originally enacted in P.L. 106-393. More than $500 million for FY 2008 will be available to 41 states and Puerto Rico for improvements to public schools, road maintenance and stewardship projects under this act. More information on this act.

Christmas Tree Permits

Christmas Tree permits will go on sale starting Monday, November 17, 2008 for the Ferron, Price, Moab and Moticello Ranger Districts. More information on this act.



USDA Forest Service - Manti-La Sal National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 14 January 2009 at 13:58:19 EST

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