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Small Farm Program Publications

A Guide to Managing Risks and Liability at California Certified Farmers Markets


Complimentary copies available
Also available as a free download (863 KB)

Produced by the Small Farm Center in partnership with the USDA Risk Management Agency, this 16-page resource serves as a guide for safe and secure farmers market experiences for customers, vendors, and the community at large. The publication focuses on common risks associated with operating a farmers market in California and provides guidelines for managing those risks effectively to reduce the likelihood of potential liability.

This guide is available online as a free download. Printed copies can also be ordered from the Small Farm Center free of charge.

Order from us:
    Small Farm Center
    University of California
    One Shields Ave.
    Davis, CA 95616-8699
    Phone: (530) 752-8136
    Fax: (530) 752-7716

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