Posters and Presentations pertaining to Pollution Assessment and Prevention

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Title Presenter
Best Practices for Water Outreach Education - Abstract - Presentation Elaine Andrews
What's the difference between a GWMA and an Iguana? - Abstract - Presentation Gail Andrews
Water Quality Assessment at Underserved Farms - Abstract Asmare Atalay
Overview of Livestock Environmental Management System Pilot Projects - Abstract Elizabeth Bird
Pollution Prevention Assessment and Action – What Value is Added by National Theme Facilitation? - Abstract Elizabeth Bird
Identifying host-specific markers of fecal pollution using mixed-genome microarrays - Abstract Douglas Call
An Update of Water Quality Survey in Tribal Communities in Florida, Montana and Tennessee - Abstract Sam Dennis
Effectively Working with Volunteer Monitors - Abstract - Poster Linda Green
Forestry BMP Educational Needs and Assessment - Abstract Rick Hamilton
A Guidebook for Livestock Producers Interested in Implementing an EMS - Abstract Jill Heemstra
Best Management Practices for Selenium prevention - Abstract Aung Hla
Residential Pollution Prevention for a coastal community - Abstract Linda Howe
Tailoring educational strategies to mobilize landscapers' pollution prevention behaviors - Abstract - Poster Mrill Ingram
A Unique & Emerging Educational Tool: Forest*A*Syst CD - Abstract Kris Irwin
Alabama Farm*A*Syst Program for Low Income and Underserved Farmers -an Update - Abstract - Poster Jesse LaPrade
Effective nitrate pollution control with electrokinetics - Abstract Dennis Larson
Agricultural Runoff, TMDLs and Water Quality: Field and Watershed Scale, Science-Teacher Education - Abstract Joe Lepo
Working to Reduce Construction Site Impacts on Water Quality - Abstract
Richard McLaughlin
Quantifying Phosphorus Losses in Agricultural Fields - Abstract John Norman
Evaluation of Livestock Environmental Management System Pilot Projects - Abstract Vince Padilla
Water Outreach Education--A National Facilitation Project - Abstract Kate Reilly
Livestock EMS development in Georgia - Abstract Mark Risse
Lake Tahoe Annual "Snapshot Day" Citizen Monitoring Event - Abstract Heather Segale
Developing a Unified Message Concerning Water In Georgia - Abstract Rose Mary Seymour
Programming to Reach New Audiences: The Process - Abstract Ellen Smoak
Development, Delivery and Evaluation of a Multi-Client Forestry BMP Education Program - Abstract Jeffrey Stringer
Programming to Reach New Audiences: The Product - Abstract Robert Williamson
Characterization of the Presence of Selected Carbamate and Organo-Phosphate Pesticides in Surface Discharge Water Leaving a Typical South Florida Watershed - Abstract Chris Wilson
Norfluazan Toxicity to Vallisneria americana - Abstract Chris Wilson