Posters and Presentations pertaining to Nutrient and Pesticide Management

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Title Presenter
Application of SIMPOTATO model for Nitrogen Management of Potato in Sandy Soils to Minimize Nitrate - Abstract - Poster
Ashok Alva
NO3-N Seasonal Fluctutation in soil/surface water - groundwater continuums - Abstract - Poster G. Anguelov, I. Anguelova, N. Bailey, and R. Bradford
Tools for Prioritizing Ground Water Protection in Colorado - Abstract - Poster Troy Bauder
South Dakota Water Quality Activities: Assisting producers conduct on-farm research - Abstract David Clay
Managing N and P in Manures and Biosolids in Virginia - Abstract - Poster Greg Evanylo
Control of Agricultural Loading Using Conservation Buffers - Abstract Thomas Franti
Influence of Nitrogen Rates on Yield of Staked Tomato and Ground Cover Effect on Residual Nitrates - Abstract C.S. Gardner, O.S. Mbuya, F.M. Rhoads, G.L. Queeley, and H.M. Edwards
Financial Safety Net for Corn Farmers Who Use Nutrient BMPs - Abstract Thomas Green
Developing Cropland Nutrient Budgets in the Mid-Atlantic Region - Abstract Les Lanyon
A Farmer’s Guide to Agriculture and Water Quality Issues - Abstract - Poster Laura Lombardo
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Quality Education - Abstract - Poster Thomas Obreza
Effects of modified nutrient conditions on phytoplankton in the Neuse River Estuary-Pamlico Sound - Abstract - Poster Michael Piehler

Measuring the Flux of the Nitrogen from Watesheds: Errors and the Temporal Resolution Problem - Abstract

William Showers
The Application of Nutrient Management Science in policy in Maryland - Abstract - Poster Tom Simpson & Scott Angle