Complete Index of Abstracts of Posters and Presentations

2004 USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Conference

- A - B - C - D - E - F- G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
Sorted by author's last name.

Each title is linked to its respective abstract.

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First Author
Policy Education for State Decision-making about CAFO Rules in the Mid-Atlantic Region - Abstract Charles  Abdalla
Content Development for CSREES Water Quality Web Network - Presentation Kelly Addy
Cattle Production Practices in Grazed Watersheds of the Humid Region - Abstract Carmen Agouridis
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Water Quality Coorindation Program - Abstract - Poster Jennifer Aiosa
Application of SIMPOTATO model for Nitrogen Management of Potato in Sandy Soils to Minimize Nitrate - Abstract - Poster Ashok Alva
Karst Campaign for Clean water, Productive Soil and Profitable Farms - Abstract Jim Anderson
Best Practices for Water Outreach Education - Abstract - Poster Elaine Andrews
What's the difference between a GWMA and an Iguana? - Abstract - Presentation Gail Andrews
NO3-N Seasonal Fluctutation in Soil/Surface Water - Groundwater Continuums - Abstract - Poster G. Anguelov
Water Quality Assessment at Underserved Farms - Abstract Asmare Atalay
Extension Household Water Quality Education in Georgia - Abstract Jorge Atiles
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The North Fork "A Model Watershed Project" - Abstract Thomas Basden
TMDL - Extension Leadership in Objective Baseline Data Collection and Assessment - Abstract James Bauder
Tools for Prioritizing Ground Water Protection in Colorado - Abstract - Poster Troy  Bauder
Study on the Infiltration Rate of Permeable Pavements - Abstract - Poster Eban Bean
TMDL Development and Education Program - Abstract - Poster Brian Benham
Overview of Livestock Environmental Management System Pilot Projects - Abstract Elizabeth Bird
Pollution Prevention Assessment and Action - What Value is Added by National Theme Facilitation? - Abstract Elizabeth Bird
Southern Region Water Quality Information System - Abstract - Poster Diane Boellstorff
Water Quality Education and Outreach in Texas - Abstract - Poster Diane Boellstorff
Potential for nitrogen removal in agricultural headwater streams - Abstract Virginie Bouchard
Surface Water Resource Development - Abstract Bill Branch
Integrated Systems Approach to Watershed Management - Abstract Robert Broz
Assessing Watershed Health Using the USDA Visual Stream Assessment Protocol - Abstract Katie Buckley
Healthy Landscapes: Protecting Water Quality in Rural Landscapes - Abstract - Poster Holly Burdett
Identifying host-specific markers of fecal pollution using mixed-genome microarrays - Abstract Douglas Call
Improving Water Quality for Salmon Restoration through Integrated Research, Education and Extension - Abstract Shulin  Chen
South Dakota Water Quality Activities: Assisting producers conduct on-farm research - Abstract David Clay
Simulation and Validation of Phosphorus Loading in Furrow Irrigation Tailwater - Abstract - Poster Albert Clemmens
A Policy Evaluation of Transport Subsidies for Poultry Litter in West Virginia - Abstract Alan Collins
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Water quality change by pulsed riverine water inputs to a coastal watershed in Louisiana - Abstract John  Day
Performance and Microbiology of Swine Wastewater Treatment Bioreactors - Abstract Francis de los Reyes III
An Update of Water Quality Survey in Tribal Communities in Florida, Montana and Tennessee - Abstract Sam Dennis
The Role of Extension and Research in Implementing TMDLs in Kansas - Abstract Daniel Devlin
Change in Filter Strip Performance over Time - Abstract - Poster Michael Dosskey
N- vs. P-based manure applications and water quality impact - Abstract - Poster Zhengxia Dou
Acoustic Profiling System for Sediment Surveys of Flood Control Reservoirs - Abstract John Dunbar
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Stream Ecology, Restoration and Aquatic Education - Abstract William English
Multi-State Approach to Conservation Professional Development and Training - Abstract Kevin Erb
Managing N and P in Manures and Biosolids in Virginia - Abstract - Poster Greg Evanylo
Land Application of Livestock Manure in Hawaii and the American Pacific - Abstract Carl Evensen
Green country Watershed Education - Abstract - Poster Mitch Fram
Applied Research Through Innovative Partnerships - Abstract Dennis Frame
Control of Agricultural Loading Using Conservation Buffers - Abstract Thomas Franti
Fifteen Years of the Land Grant/EPA Partnership - Abstract Marilyn Freeman
Southwest States and Pacific Islands Regional Water Quality Program: Building Bridges for Success - Abstract - Poster Christine French
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Stormwater Management in Your Own Backyard - Abstract Lisa Galloway Evrard
Training Environmental Stewards: Integrating Water Quality & Quantity Education from Mountain to Oce - Abstract Brad Gaolach
Influence of Nitrogen Rates on Yield of Staked Tomato and Ground Cover Effect on Residual Nitrates - Abstract C.S. Gardner
Watershed Signage - Abstract Jennifer Gardner
Working Together: Regional Successes, Areas Needing Improvement and Lessons Learned - Presentation Art Gold
Site Factors Affecting Riparian Groundwater Nitrate Removal - Abstract - Poster Art Gold
Addressing On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems with Management and Education - Abstract Deborah Grantham
Composting Home for The Penn State Organic Materials Processing and Education  Center - Abstract Robert Graves
Effectively Working with Volunteer Monitors - Abstract - Poster Linda Green
Financial Safety Net for Corn Farmers Who Use Nutrient BMPs - Abstract Thomas Green
An Internet-based Spatial Decision Support System for Rangeland Watershed Management - Abstract D. Phillip Guertin
Reaching Communities Across Arizona With Water Education - Abstract D. Phillip  Guertin
"Native Plants in the Landscape: A Hands-on Approach to Protecting Water Resources" - Abstract Erica Guttman
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Forestry BMP Educational Needs and Assessment - Abstract Rick Hamilton
Hands-on education tools: The FUNdamentals of agricultural and urban non-point source pollution - Abstract - Poster Gary Hawkins
A Guidebook for Livestock Producers Interested in Implementing an EMS - Abstract Jill Heemstra
Mortality Disposal Alternative - Abstract Kevin Heflin
Best Management Practices for Selenium prevention - Abstract Aung Hla
Educating Amish on Best Management Practices - Abstract James Hoorman
Residential Pollution Prevention for a coastal community - Abstract Linda Howe
Hydrilla Control in Henderson Lake - Abstract - Poster Thomas Hymel
Tailoring educational strategies to mobilize landscapers' pollution prevention behaviors - Abstract - Poster Mrill Ingram
A Unique & Emerging Educational Tool: Forest*A*Syst CD - Abstract Kris Irwin
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Manure Nutrient Management for Amish Farms - Abstract Randall James
Assessing the effectiveness of the watershed stewards program - Abstract John  Jemison
Fate and Transport of Sex Hormones from Poultry Litter Applied to Till and No_Till Cropping Systems - Abstract - Presentation Michael Jenkins
Stream Restoration Training and Demonstration in Southeastern USA - Abstract Greg Jennings
Determining Sources of Fecal Contamination of Surface Water Using Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns - Abstract Yvette Johnson
Integrating Feed Nutrient Management into a CNMP - Abstract Richard Koelsch
The Missouri Watershed Initiative - Comprehensive Watershed Planning - Abstract - Poster William Kurtz
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Developing Cropland Nutrient Budgets in the Mid-Atlantic Region - Abstract Les Lanyon
Alabama Farm*A*Syst Program for Low Income and Underserved Farmers -an Update - Abstract - Poster Jesse LaPrade
Effective nitrate pollution control with electrokinetics - Abstract Dennis Larson
Mississippi River Water, Agriculture, and Wetlands - Abstract - Poster Brian LeBlanc
Agricultural Runoff, TMDLs and Water Quality: Field and Watershed Scale, Science-Teacher Education - Abstract Joe Lepo
Scaling and Modeling of Stream and Ground Water Quality in the East Mahantango Creek Watershed - Abstract Henry Lin
A Farmer's Guide to Agriculture and Water Quality Issues - Abstract - Poster Laura Lombardo
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Region 10 (Pacific Northwest) Water Quality Program - Abstract Robert  Mahler
Using Surveys to Establish Priority Water Issues in the Pacific Northwest - Abstract Robert  Mahler
Marketing the Pacific Northwest Water Quality Program - Abstract Robert  Mahler
Manipulation of Experimental Watersheds through BMPs: Fluxes, Fate and Transport - Abstract - Presentation Joseph Makarewicz
A Watershed Nutrient Management Decision Support System for the Eucha Basin - Abstract Marty Matlock
New England Region Water Quality Program - Abstract - Poster Alyson McCann
Drinking Water Education in Under-served Communities - Abstract LaDonna McCowan
The CSREES National Water Quality Program - Abstract - Poster Mark McFarland
The Southern Region Water Quality Coordination Project - Abstract - Poster Mark McFarland
Working to Reduce Construction Site Impacts on Water Quality - Abstract Richard McLaughlin
A watershed model to compare alternative phosphorus control strategies - Abstract Nancy Mesner
Heartland Regional Water Quality Coordination Initiative - Abstract - Poster Gerald Miller
Use of Research and Modeling Information in Community-based Watershed Planning - Abstract - Poster Gerald Miller
Private Well and Septic System Management Education Program - Abstract Thomas H Miller
Constructed Wetlands for Improving Water Quality of Agricultural Run-off in Northwest Louisiana - Abstract - Poster Eddie Millhollon
Paired Watershed Studies for Nutrient Reductions in the Minnesota River basin - Abstract D. J.  Mulla
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Influence of landscape change on variable saturation areas - Abstract Mahmood  Nachabe
Integrated Agricultural Management Systems for Improving Water Quality in Kansas - Abstract Jeffery Neel
Evaluation of Web-based Training on Water Resources for Extension Professionals - Abstract - Poster Matt  Neibauer
Differentiating among, and quantifying sources of fecal contamination for model development - Abstract Rachel Noble
Quantifying Phosphorus Losses in Agricultural Fields - Abstract John Norman
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Quality Education - Abstract - Poster Thomas Obreza

Evaluating Point-Nonpoint Source Pollutant Trading Opportunities in EPA Region 2 - Abstract

Christopher Obropta
Meeting North Carolina's Phosphorus Challenges - Abstract Deanna Osmond
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Evaluation of Livestock Environmental Management System Pilot Projects - Abstract Vince Padilla
Environmentally Sound Uses for Poultry Litter - Abstract - Presentation Doug Parker
Watershed Education for Communities and Local Officials - Poster Christy Perria
Coastal Eutrophication and Productivity of Clams and Oysters - Abstract Edward Phlips
Effects of modified nutrient conditions on phytoplankton in the Neuse River Estuary-Pamlico Sound - Abstract - Poster Michael Piehler
Water Quality Coordination in US EPA Region 2 - Abstract - Poster Jeffrey Potent
Nitrogen Rates fo Corn in Southeastern Minnesota - Poster Gyles Randall
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Treatment of N in Swine Wastewater by Marsh-Pond-Marsh Constructed Wetlands - Abstract - Poster Gudigopuram Reddy
Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Product Water Quality for Irrigation Use - Abstract K.J. Reddy
Water Outreach Education--A National Facilitation Project - Abstract Kate  Reilly
Sustainable Export of Manure Nutrients in Turfgrass Sod - Abstract - Poster Chad Richards
Livestock EMS development in Georgia - Abstract Mark Risse
Integration of Spatial Technologies to Modernize Resource Management in Alabama - Abstract Donn Rodekohr
Working with Producers - Developing an EMS for Swine Operations - Abstract Robert Rubin
Soil Water Monitoring and Water Resources Management Using Geophysical Techniques - Abstract Yoram Rubin
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Development of an Integrated Watershed Information Management for Long-term Facilities Stewardship - Abstract Ahmed Said
Addressing Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution with an integrated environmental and economic compute - Abstract Ali Saleh
Region 10 Watershed Satellite Conferences Build Capacity and Facilitate Funding - Abstract Jan  Seago
Application of  GIS for public outreach related to a hog facility project - Abstract  Bruce Seelig
Lake Tahoe Annual "Snapshot Day" Citizen Monitoring Event - Abstract Heather Segale
Developing a Unified Message Concerning Water In Georgia - Abstract Rose Mary Seymour
Accelerating Riparian Buffer Adoption to Enhance Water Quality and Farm Income - Abstract David Shelton
Great Lakes Regional Water Quality Coordination Program - Abstract - Poster Robin Shepard

Measuring the Flux of Nitrogen from Watersheds: Errors and the Temporal Resolution Problem - Abstract

William Showers
Protecting and Improving Washington State's Waters:  The WSU Water Quality Management Team - Abstract Robert Simmons
The Application of Nutrient Management Science in policy in Maryland - Abstract - Poster Tom Simpson
Innovation in Agricultural Conservation for the Chesapeake Bay - Abstract - Poster Tom Simpson
Predicting Nitrogen Losses from Poorly Drained Watersheds - Abstract Wayne Skaggs
Programming to Reach New Audiences: The Process - Abstract Ellen Smoak
Stream Restoration: Natural Channel Design, Stormwater Management and Exotic Species Control - Abstract Jean Spooner
Developing Water Management Strategies for the Red River of the North Basin - Abstract Daniel Stepan
The Red River Water Management Consortium - Abstract Daniel Stepan
Development, Delivery and Evaluation of a Multi-Client Forestry BMP Education Program - Abstract Jeffrey Stringer
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Fostering Locally-Led Watershed Management - Abstract - Presentation John Tharp
Integrating Extension, Research and Education in Kentucky - Abstract - Poster William Thom
Assessment of Contamination in Land To Be Reclaimed as Surface Water, Wetland, or Riparian Habitat - Abstract William Tucker
Environmental Management Systems for the Iowa Beef Feedlot Industry - Abstract - Poster Jim Venner
The Use of Integrated Pollution Source Inventory (IPSI) to Identify Potential BMPs for Watershed Improvement - Abstract - Poster Forbes Walker
Coordinated Agricultural Water Quality Programming for EPA Region VIII - Abstract - Poster Lloyd R. Walker
Levels of Exposure to Arsenic from Private Wells in Churchill County, Nevada - Abstract Mark Walker
Are benches in agricultural ditches a benefit? - Abstract - Poster Andy Ward
Integrated watershed-based molecular and hydrologic monitoring techniques to assess pathogen loading - Abstract Nancy White
Children's Environmental Health Partnership - Abstract Robert Williamson
Programming to Reach New Audiences: The Product - Abstract Robert Williamson
Characterization of the Presence of Selected Carbamate and Organo-Phosphate Pesticides in Surface Discharge Water Leaving a Typical South Florida Watershed - Abstract Chris Wilson
Norfluazan Toxicity to Vallisneria americana Chris Wilson
Environmental Training for the Arkansas Livestock Industry - Abstract - Poster Melony Wilson
The OnePlan Conservation Planner: A Pre-test - Abstract Jim Wood
Low-Impact Development Practices for the Virgin Islands - Abstract Julie Wright
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A Multi-Agency Grant Program to Help Conservation Professionals Educate Producers - Abstract Andrew Yencha