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Funding Resources
Federal Funding Database

Additional Search Information
Phrase: use quotation marks, for example: “distance learning”
If you enter “distance learning”, you will retrieve programs which contain the phrase ‘distance learning’ with the words next to each other.

Boolean operator, AND: use the plus sign with each word, for example: +rural +transportation
If you enter +rural +transportation, you will retrieve programs which contain both words not necessarily next to each other.

Boolean operator, OR: list all keywords to include in your search, for example: Indian native tribal
If you enter Indian native tribal, you will retrieve programs which contain at least one of the three words, though not necessarily next to each other.

Boolean operator, NOT: use the minus sign, for example: +Indian +native –tribal

If you enter +Indian +native –tribal, you will retrieve programs which contain the words Indian and native but not tribal.

Wildcard: use an asterisk at the end of a word, for example: senior*
If you enter senior*, you will retrieve programs which contain the word senior as well as seniors, seniority, etc.

Program Number: You can search on program number(s), for example: 10.433
Enter 10.766 10.854 and you will retrieve these programs.

Last Modified: 06/02/08
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