University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
January 15, 2009
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The central purpose of Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) workgroups is to collaboratively plan and coordinate research and extension activities. Workgroups may request funding for operations and/or research and extension projects through an annual call issued by the Office of the Assistant Vice President - Programs. Workgroups are a primary mechanism for accomplishing ANR’s high priority research and extension goals through grassroots leadership. They bring together Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and Cooperative Extension (CE) personnel along with non-ANR partners to work on emerging and continuing priority issues in Division program areas.

ANR Workgroup Accounting Breeze Training Module

ANR Workgroup Directory

ANR Workgroups: Ratification and Funding Criteria

ANR Workgroups: Guidelines and Procedures

ANR Coordinating Conferences: Purpose and Operations

ANR Coordinating Conference Directory


Wkgrp/Coord Conf Chairs and SP/REC Directors Meeting (Nov 6, 2007)

Workgroup/Coord Conf Chairs and Statewide Program Directors Meeting (Sept 26, 2006)


Unit Pages