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Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models to Quantify the Impact of Human Age and Interindividual Differences in Physiology and Biochemistry Pertinent to Risk (Final Report)

John C. Lipscomb
by phone at:   513-569-7217
by fax at:   513-487-2539
by email at:  lipscomb.john@epa.gov


EPA is releasing a final report that describes and demonstrates techniques necessary to extrapolate and incorporate in vitro derived metabolic rate constants in PBPK models. The report includes two case study examples designed to demonstrate the applicability of such data for health risk assessment.

This final report, Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models to Quantify the Impact of Human Age and Interindividual Differences in Physiology and Biochemistry Pertinent to Risk Final Report for Cooperative Agreement (PDF, 234 pp, 1MB), addresses the quantification, extrapolation and interpretation of advanced biochemical information on human interindividual variability of chemical metabolism for risk assessment application. It comprises five chapters; topics and results covered in the first four chapters have been published in the peer reviewed scientific literature.

Topics covered include:

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