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The Results Agenda of DoD

Report of The Tenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, Vol. I

Report of The Tenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, Vol. II

Report of The Ninth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation

The President's Management Agenda

Military Human Resources Strategic Plan, Change 1

Civilian Human Capital Strategic Plan 2006-2010

A New Social Compact: A Reciprocal Partnership Between the Department of Defense, Service Members, and Families

DoD Report on Uniform Support for Surviving Family Members...

" Federal Former Spouses Protection Laws Review"

Physical Disability Evaluation System

Disability Evaluation System (DES) Continuous Improvement Program (CIP)

The following documents represent the results of the ongoing DoD DES CIP and will be appropriately incorporated into the next revision of DoD DES issuances.

Wounded, Ill, and Injured Publications



Military Pay & Benefits/Military Compensation

DoD Victim and Witness Assistance Council Site