January 15, 2009
Winter 2008 - 2009

One mission of the Forest Service National Avalanche Center is to provide technology transfer to the United States avalanche community. As such, we work with a variety of scientists from universities and research institutions to test and develop emerging avalanche technologies that may be useful for avalanche workers. Use the links below to find more information about some of our past projects. These projects include:

  • SNOWPACK ­ The Swiss Snowpack Evolution Model. We implemented this model at several locations in the U.S., and collected data to test the accuracy of the model for avalanche forecasting. (Cooperators included the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Montana State University, the Utah Avalanche Center, Snowbasin Ski Area, and Colorado State University).
  • NXD-2000 - The Swiss Nearest-Neighbors Avalanche Forecasting Model. We helped to facilitate the installation of this model, which provides a sophisticated method of searching through historical weather and avalanche data, at several U.S. sites. In addition, we worked with the Swiss to improve model performance. (Cooperators included the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Snowbasin Ski Area, and the Colorado Avalanche Information Center).
  • Stability Tests - The Stuffblock and Quantified Loaded Column Tests. We cooperated in the development of both the Stuffblock test and the Quantified Loaded Column Test. (Cooperators included the Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center and Montana State University).
  • Spatially Analyzing and Displaying Historical Avalanche Data. We worked on methods for analyzing and displaying historical avalanche data using a Geographic Information System. (Cooperators include Montana State University and Jackson Hole Mountain Resort).
  • Slab Properties. We cooperated on a project looking at spatial and temporal variations in slab properties. (Cooperators include Colorado State University).