Click here for funding request

Message from the Director

Illinois CIBER is a leader in designing and delivering programs that equip business leaders with language skills, cultural awareness, and the specific business skills needed to be at the vanguard of international business management. Funded by a grant from the US Department of Education, Illinois CIBER:

  • Coordinates seminars and workshops for professional audiences
  • Funds faculty research on international competitiveness
  • Underwrites development and delivery of new business language courses
  • Develops and sponsors overseas experiences for undergraduate and graduate students
  • Supports an annual international business case competition
  • Serves as a resource for the business community through its website, conferences, and consulting
  • Administers the Certificate in Global Business Culture with Area Specialization
  • Click here to read about a CIBER-funded research project by Madhu Viswanathan

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

College of Business

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