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County Level Estimates
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County Level Estimates

Viewing the national map | Viewing county-level information

The national surveillance map allows you to view diabetes data on the national and state levels. However, county level information is available only for Prevalence data.

From the left navigational bar, County Level Estimates displays a national view of county level estimates of diagnosed diabetes. State views of county level estimates of diagnosed diabetes may also be accessed from this page. You can access maps of county level estimates of diagnosed diabetes from the Diabetes & Trends homepage in the following ways:

  • Clicking County Level Estimates on the left navigational bar.
  • Clicking U.S. Maps under County Level Estimates of Diagnosed Diabetes.
  • Clicking State Maps under County Level Estimates of Diagnosed Diabetes.

The map is color-coded and you can easily see what each color means using the legend displayed under the map.

Initial information displayed on the page is controlled by the default selections in the View by section.

The page is divided into the following four sections:

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Viewing the national map

Viewing options

The viewing options section at the top of the page, right below the page title lets you control and change the data displayed on the map. You can combine the options as necessary and the system displays the map based on the options your selected options.

Screenshot of viewing options.

The map

The map is color-coded and you can easily see what each color means using the legend displayed under the map. Notice that the map changes as soon as you change the viewing options.

Screenshot of national map.


A legend is always displayed under the national map to explain the meaning of the colors on the map.

Screenshot of legend.

State selection drop-down list

The View State Surveillance Maps drop-down list allows you to select a state and view the diabetes and trends information for that state by county.

Screenshot of state selection.

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Viewing county level information

When you select a state from the View State Surveillance Maps drop-down list, the system displays the diabetes and trends information for that state by county using an interactive map. The map displays information according to the actions of the user.

Screenshot of Alabama county level information.

The map itself is fully interactive. When you hover above a section on a map, for example, a county on the Alabama map, the system does the following:

  • Displays the pop-up information for the county as seen in the following graphic.
    Graphic of county pop-up.
  • Highlights the row displaying the corresponding data in the table below the map as seen in the following graphic.
    Screenshot of county map table.


    Use the zoom buttons to zoom in or out as described in the graphic below.

    Screenshot of zooming controls.

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