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Roadless Area Conservation
Picture of mountain stream Picture of cascading waterfall Picture of people enjoying mountain view

Roadless Area Profiles

Lincoln National Forest
Inventoried Roadless Area

Site Location: This Roadless Area on the Lincoln National Forest is located in the West Face of the Sacramento Mountains about 8 miles southeast of the community of Alamagordo, New Mexico. 
Site Description:

The area is fairly large (about 41,000 acres) and is at elevations ranging between 4,500 ft and 8,500 ft.  It is part of the west-facing slope of the mountain range that forms the eastern border of the Tularosa basin.  The area is part of the Upper Sonoran Zone and has vegetation that varies between desert and woodland species.  The area is used as winter habitat by mule deer.  Recreation opportunities are abundant.



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Lincoln National Forest  Roadless Aread

Lincoln National Forest Roadless Aread

Lincoln National Forest Roadless Aread

Lincoln National Forest Roadless Aread

Lincoln National Forest Roadless Aread

Click on Location Map to go to Lincoln National Forest Roadless Area Location View
Lincoln National Forest Location Map


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