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Arid Lands Information Center (ALIC)

Since 1966, ALIC has provided specialized information services, spanning the full range of library functions, to the University of Arizona community, the public, government agencies, and international development organizations. Demand for technical assistance to create similar capabilities for other information centers has generated contract activities in such countries as: Chile, Argentina, Mexico, India, Bahrain, Egypt, Kenya, Mauritania, Niger, and the Yemen Arab Republic.

ALIC has produced a variety of publications with worldwide distribution, including the semiannual Arid Lands Newsletter, the World Directory of Arid Lands Research Institutions, and the conference proceedings, Arid Lands: Today and Tomorrow. In recent years, ALIC has become a major producer of quality Web sites dealing with arid lands and agricultural information, including the OALS web site and the Arid Lands Newsletter web site. ALIC also created and maintains the Web site for the International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC), and was one of the founding members of, and continues its work with the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) project on Managing Rangelands in partnership with the U.S. National Agricultural Library and other land grant universities. To all of its projects ALIC brings extensive experience in Web design (including original digital graphics), construction, content development, and maintenance; and in development of other tools for online dissemination of information such as searchable databases.

ALIC Personnel

ALIC personnel work on projects in these
Program Areas

For more about ALIC contact:

Arid Lands Information Center
Office of Arid Lands Studies
1955 E. 6th Street
Tucson, AZ 85719-5224

Phone: (520) 621-8571
Fax: (520) 621-3816