January 15, 2009
Winter 2008 - 2009

At the trailhead, make sure everyone has all the necessary equipment.

Account for beacons, probes, shovels, slope meters, and repair and first aid kits.


Discuss your plan for the day, but keep your mind open to alternatives if conditions dictate. Base these decisions on the data you gather as you travel.

Conduct a group beacon test.

  • Wear your beacon under your jacket on your top layer of clothing, not in a pocket or in your pack.
  • Test your partners' beacons by switching your beacon to receive on the lowest setting, and walk up to each person, checking for a signal.
  • Or stand in the trail with your beacon on receive, and check signals as each person skis by.
  • Do a quick beacon practice - put your beacon in your glove or plastic bag and hide it in the snow bank. Have a friend find it. You will be glad they practiced if they ever have to find you.

Next Section: Low Risk Ascent