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Index to the Manuscript Collections--Search Results

19 record(s) found

Collection Number: 73
Collection Name: Hanke, Oscar August, Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1916
Latest Date: 1971
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The Oscar August Hanke Papers relate to Hanke’s work with the Watt Publishing Company and include files of the American Farm Bureau Federation, the American Poultry and Hatchery Federation, the American Poultry Historical Society, the International Baby Chick Association, the Poultry and Egg National Board, and the United Egg Producers. There are also materials related to research conducted for the publication of American Poultry History, 1823-1973, which Hanke edited.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Oscar August Hanke (1902-1989) was author, editor, and editorial director of the Watt Publishing company for 41 years (1926-1967). He was a member of the organizing committee for the National Turkey Federation and the Poulty and Egg National Board. In 1971, he was elected to the American Poultry Historical Society's Poultry Hall of Fame.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Collection Number: 75
Collection Name: Harding, Thomas Swann, Manuscripts
Earliest Date: 1943
Latest Date: 1949
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Thomas Swann Harding Manuscripts include three typewritten documents: "110 Years of Federal Aid to Agriculture," 1949; "Our First World War Secretary of Agriculture," 1943; and "The Scientific Achievements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture," 1943.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Thomas Swann Harding (b. 1890) was a chemist, editor, and writer for USDA for more than 37 years. He received a bachelor of science degree in agricultural chemistry at the Maryland Agricultural College in 1910. After a short period of employment in chemical research work at the Maryland Experiment Station and Agricultural College, he began research on the preparation of rare sugars and carbohydrates for the USDA Bureau of Chemistry in 1910. In 1918 he joined a pharmaceutical firm (Digestive Ferments Company), but returned to work on dairy cattle nutrition experiments in the laboratories of the Dairy Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry in 1922. Six years later, he became editor of scientific publications, Office of Information, and shortly thereafter assumed charge of the employee news bulletin. His interest in the history and growth of USDA led to numerous articles and publications about USDA. He retired in 1951.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: USDA History

Collection Number: 87
Collection Name: Harlan, Harry V., Manuscript
Collection Group: Plant Exploration Collections
Earliest Date: 1957
Latest Date: 1957
Collection Description: The Harry V. Harlan Manuscript is titled "Manuscript of One Man's Life with Barley; The Memories and Observations of Harry V. Harlan." The manuscript, written by Harlan in 1957, is in loose-leaf form with original handwriting. Harlan's purpose in writing the book was to contribute a general picture of the evolution of barley research at a time (early 1910-1944) during which he was one of the few scholars entirely devoted to its study. Topics include plant exploration, barley background, barley breeding, adventures and discoveries at American experiment stations, uses of barley, and advice.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Harry V. Harlan graduated from Kansas State College in 1904. He worked in Manila, Philippines, from 1905-1908. After two years of graduate school at Kansas State, he joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture and worked for David Fairchild, then Mark Carleton, both scientists. Even though he had no prior experience with barley, he was assigned to the barley project.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Plant Exploration; Plant Science

Collection Number: 254
Collection Name: Hartman, Roland Clarence, Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1928
Latest Date: 1980
Linear Feet: 1
Collection Description: The Roland Clarence Hartman Papers include speeches, articles, publications, and advertising material related to poultry.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Roland Clarence Hartman (1906-) was a writer and editor of The Poultry Tribune, Everybody's Poultry Magazine, The Pacific Poultryman, and the Poultry Digest.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Collection Number: 76
Collection Name: Heinemann, Charles Brunk, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1938
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Charles Brunk Heinemann Manuscript, a typewritten carbon copy of the manuscript "American Live Stock Markets and Marketing," is about the evolution and development of the system of livestock marketing in the United States and a brief history of certain of these markets.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Biographical data on Heinemann is not available. The Library of Congress holds several of his manuscripts; but the reference librarian replied that he cannot find any biographical information at all on Heinemann.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Animal Science; Economics

Collection Number: 356
Collection Name: Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center History Collection
Linear Feet: 29
Collection Description: The Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) History Collection contains several donations from the ARS Visitor Center at BARC. Materials include land surveys, building specifications, blueprints, and reports about the Visitor Center; a photo album compiled by Robert T. Walker, former BARC landscape architect, showing the construction of BARC buildings (Departmental Laboratory Group, Main Lab, Mansion House, Sheep Barn, Animal Husbandry Lab, Animal Disease Station, Poultry Unit, Horticultural Field Station, and the Civilian Conservation Corps at the USDA Experimental Farm); blueprints from the construction of BARC; lab materials (microscopes, lab glassware, measuring devices); the silver tea set used during VIP visits; and a miniature train car that was on display at the Visitor Center.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center is a central part of the USDA's Agricultural Research Service and is the world's largest agricultural research complex. On June 6, 2000, BARC is named in honor of former Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, who was instrumental in it's expansion; under his guidance the center grew to 12,600 acres with over 40 major research buildings. USDA began relocating research to Beltsville in 1910. Major expansion during the 1930s and 1940s established its importance within the USDA's research activities.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; USDA History
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Photographs

Collection Number: 367
Collection Name: Hereford, Maryland, Home Makers Club Record Book and Home Economics Publication Collection
Earliest Date: 1926
Latest Date: 1960
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: This collection contains Hereford, Maryland, Home Makers Club Record Book, 1926-1932; Extension Service bulletins and documents; newspaper clippings on sewing, and other related publications.

Collection Number: 77
Collection Name: Herrera, Alfonso L., Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1930
Latest Date: 1930
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Alfonso L. Herrera Manuscript, titled "Siliza y Vida; Importancia de la Siliza en Biologia, Medicina, Plasmogenia, Agricultura e Industria y Teorias Acerca del Origen de la Vida" (1930), is 791 numbered leaves. Translation of title page: Silica And Life; The importance of silica in biology, medicine, plasmogenia, agriculture and theories about the origin of life. Illustrated work with 115 prints and color plates. Imitation of chromosomes segmentation by calcium fluorosilicate. Infiltration of sea-water in fluorosilicate fresh water.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Natural Resources

Collection Number: 78
Collection Name: Hinman, Elijah, Account Book
Earliest Date: 1769
Latest Date: 1812
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Elijah Hinman Account Book is a handwritten, 124 page account book containing entries on many agricultural activities including farm animals, flax, indigo, ginger, labor, lumber, molasses, nails, plows, plowing, prices (received and paid), salt, and wine.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Farms and Farming Systems

Collection Number: 257
Collection Name: History of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1993-2000 Videotapes Collection (formerly titled USDA Video, Teleconference and Radio Center Records)
Earliest Date: 2000
Latest Date: 2001
Bulk Dates: 2000-2001
Linear Feet: 3.75
Collection Description: The History of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1993-2000 Videotapes Collection consists of videotape oral histories of senior members of the department's administration from 1993-2000. Secretaries of Agriculture Dan Glickman and Mike Espy are among those interviewed. The interviews were recorded in 2000 and 2001. The collection also includes print and electronic transcripts and a few audiotapes.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: USDA History
Formats: Audiovisuals

Collection Number: 80
Collection Name: Hixson, Floyd Marcus, Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1919
Latest Date: 1982
Linear Feet: 5.5
Collection Description: The Floyd M. Hixson Papers consist of performance reports of various poultry tests conducted by several American states and Canadian provinces. Other chicken- and turkey-testing program reports cover topics of meat and egg production.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Floyd Marcus Hixon (b. 1918) was a professor of animal sciences at California State University, Fresno, from 1951-1980. Born in Holdenville, Oklahoma, he earned his bachelor of science degree at Oklahoma A&M College, and his master of science and Ph.D. degrees at Kansas State University.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Collection Number: 81
Collection Name: Hodgson, Ralph Edward, Papers
Collection Group: Dairy Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1929
Latest Date: 1975
Linear Feet: 5
Collection Description: The Ralph Edward Hodgson Papers consist of autobiographical and biographical information, writings, studies, papers, speeches, trip reports, bulletins, reprints, and publications. Of significance to those interested in Hodgson's early years is his 1970 autobiographical work titled "From the Sands of Mazomanie: A Story of a Wisconsin Farm Boy."
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Ralph Edward Hodgson (1906-1990) worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 1930-1973 and held progressively more responsible positions in professional, scientific, and administrative work in connection with dairy and animal husbandry, focusing on dairy cattle breeding, feeding, and management. His notable positions within USDA include Assistant Chief, Bureau of Dairy Industry, 1945-1953; Chief, Dairy Husbandry Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, 1953-1957, and Director, Animal Science Research Division, 1957-1973. He was associated with virtually every important international activity involving the dairy or livestock industry during his career.
Processed: Yes, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Animal Science; USDA History
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 82
Collection Name: Hogue, Robert L., Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1908
Latest Date: 1995
Linear Feet: 21.25
Collection Description: The Robert L. Hogue Papers relate to Hogue’s role on the Participation Committee, U.S.A. Branch, of the World’s Poultry Science Association, which dealt with the 15th World’s Poultry Congress held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1974. Files include bulletins published during and following World War II on animal feedstuffs, publications on poultry housing and equipment, newsprint, 16-millimeter films, brochures, photographs, and negatives.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Robert L. Hogue (1913-2000) encouraged development of 4-H poultry programs; coordinated disease control and marketing programs; encouraged consumer enlightenment; and provided an organizational hub for industry, university, and governmental interests throughout the United States, as well as representing the United States at many foreign poultry activities. In 1989, Hogue was inducted into the American Poultry Historical Society's Poultry Hall of Fame.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry
Formats: Audiovisuals; Photographs

Collection Number: 83
Collection Name: Hollenback, Clinton C., Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1911
Latest Date: 1920
Linear Feet: 1.5
Collection Description: The Clinton C. Hollenback Papers include personal correspondence and ledger accounts of purchases and sales of hatching eggs, baby chicks, and farm equipment. There are brochures, invoices, receipts, and price lists, along with detailed egg-production and incubation records of individual pedigree chickens and numerous American Poultry Association prize ribbons awarded to Hollenback’s entries in the 1919 Mukwonago, Wisconsin, Poultry Show.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Clinton C. Hollenback of Columbus, Ohio, was a poultry breeder, exhibitor, and merchandiser of poultry and agricultural products.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Collection Number: 263
Collection Name: Hough, Franklin Benjamin, Papers
Earliest Date: 1870
Latest Date: 1884
Bulk Dates: 1876-77
Linear Feet: 2
Collection Description: The Franklin Benjamin Hough Papers consist of handwritten correspondence, agreements, and memoranda. Much of the correspondence deals with forestry matters, and, specifically, a paper that Hough presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1873 on "The Duty of Governments in the Preservation of Forests." His study revealed that forests were beneficial to climate, streamflow, and soil, and argued that it was necessary to preserve and renew forests. The address triggered a national forest-preservation movement and lobbying effort backed by AAAS. In response, Congress approved funding in 1876 for a federal forestry expert within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Hough was appointed to the position soon after.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Franklin Benjamin Hough (1822-1885) was the first physician in Lewis County, New York; forest commissioner, USDA, from 1876-1881, and the chief of the Division of Forestry, USDA, from 1881-1883.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 264
Collection Name: Hough, Romeyn Beck, Papers
Earliest Date: 1882
Latest Date: 1908
Bulk Dates: 1882-1900
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The Romeyn Beck Hough Papers include Hough's journals from 1882-1887, 1890-1894, 1898-1900; a July 6, 1908, letter to Hough from Melvil Dewey requesting Hough's book Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada; and an undated statement made by Dewey, President of the American Library Institute, commending Hough’s book at a meeting of the Virginia State Library Association.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Romeyn Beck Hough (1857-1924), son of Franklin Benjamin Hough, was a naturalist, author, and businessman in the state of New York. In 1888 he published the first volume of a series of 12 books titled American Woods, which contained the native and naturalized species of woods in the United States and Canada. These volumes were unique in that they included samples of wood as illustrations. Hough also devised a machine for cutting wood sections with thicknesses of 1/10 to 1/1,200 of an inch. In the scientific world, American Woods was well-received and won numerous awards, including the grand prize at the Paris Exposition in 1889. Subsequently, Hough produced another book, Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada, containing photographic and textual descriptions of 208 kinds of trees found in Canada and in the Eastern United States. To do research for these publications, Hough traveled frequently and kept journals of his activities.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 85
Collection Name: Howe, Paul E., Papers
Collection Group: Dairy Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1907
Latest Date: 1973
Linear Feet: 2
Collection Description: The Paul E. Howe Papers include Howe's publications and a 1959 Work Project Annual Report for the Animal Husbandry Research Division, Dairy Cattle Research Branch of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Paul E. Howe (1885-1974) started working at the USDA in 1923 as a biological chemist in the Bureau of Animal Industry. In 1936 he became an Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry and Chief of the Division of Animal Nutrition, which conducted research in animal nutrition and the biochemical study of animal products. During World War II he was Head of the Division of Foods and Nutrition of the Surgeon General’s office. After the war, he worked on the nutritional needs of the civilian populations of Germany and Japan. As his career progressed, Howe also served as a consulting biochemist within USDA and, in 1952, went on detail to the Foreign Agricultural Relations Technical Collaboration Branch for approximately five months. He retired in 1955. Howe wrote extensively on topics such as the effects of fasting on humans and animals, animal nutrition, and the biochemistry of animal products.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Animal Science

Collection Number: 114
Collection Name: Hudson Brick and Supply Company Ledgers
Earliest Date: 1925
Latest Date: 1929
Linear Feet: 3
Collection Description: The Hudson Brick and Supply Company Ledgers contain two ledgers from the brickyard formerly located on the grounds of the U. S. National Arboretum.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 219
Collection Name: Husman, Soren, Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1925
Latest Date: 1939
Bulk Dates: 1930-32
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Soren Husman Papers contain photographs of Husman and of the California Turkey Industry Federation (1925-1939), personal correspondence, and a newspaper clipping.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Soren Husman, of Gustine, California, was one of the pioneer turkey growers in the San Joaquin Valley. He was a successful breeder, hatcheryman, and grower, beginning operations in the early 1930s. He developed a method for effectively heating brooder houses by designing a furnace at the outside end of the brooder houses by digging a pit (used as a firebox) from which a pipe was extended through the inside length of the brooder house.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Last Modified : June 13, 2007

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