USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

What's New?


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2009-03, Environmental Management Systems - 1/05/09


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

205.2 - Travel Delegations - 12/10/08


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2009-02, First Class and Business Class Travel - 10/29/08 (supersedes IM APS 2008-02)


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2009-01, Interim Policy for Work with Other Federal Agencies under a Continuing Resolution - 10/17/08

The following SM Chapter has been revised:

406.1 - Grants and Cooperative Agreements - 10/02/08


The following SM Handbook Chapter has been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 33 - Contractor Safety and Health - 10/2/08


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

404.12 - Contractor Performance Evaluations - 09/20/08


The following SM Handbook Chapter has been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 14 - Safety and Health Training- 09/5/08

The following SM Chapter has been revised:

205-1 - Personnel Management - 09/4/08


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

500.11 - Obtaining Permission for Access to Private Lands - 08/22/08


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

335.7 - Professional Liability Insurance Reimbursement - 08/22/08


The following SM Handbook Chapter has been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 7- Incident/Accident Reporting and Serious Accident Investigation - 07/22/08


The following SM Handbook Chapter has been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 12 - Professional Development - 07/22/08


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM OOP-07-03, Revised Competitive Areas 3/25/08


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

404.5 - Acquisition/Assistance Awards to Former USGS Employees - 6/3/08


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

370.792.4 – Physical Fitness Program - 04/07/08


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) have been issued:

IM OOP-08-01, Competitive Area – Office of the Water Quality including the Office of the National Water Quality Assessment - 11/23/07

IM OOP-08-02, Office of Water Quality including the Office of National Water Quality Assessment Commuting Areas - 11/23/07


The following SM Handbook Chapters have been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 13 Collateral Duty Safety and Occupational Health Program Coordinator - 02/14/08

SM 445-2-H Chapter 39 Wildlife Netting Safety - 02/19/08

SM 445-2-H Chapter 11 Staffing Safety and Health Positions - 02/19/08


The following SM Handbook Chapters have been revised:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 8 - Employee Reports of Unsafe Conditions and Allegations of Reprisal - 02/04/08

SM 445-2-H Chapter 42 - Electrofishing Safety - 02/04/08


The following SM Handbook Chapter and Appendices have been issued:

SM 445-2-H Chapter 45 - The Management of Occupational Heat Stress - 02/04/08


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

335.4 - Employee Claims for Reimbursement of Official Business Expenditures - 12/14/07


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

600.5 - Information Technology Systems Security - General Requirements - 11/14/07
(Also replaces 600.2 - Control of the Registration and Deletion of Computer User Identifications (User ID's)

The following SM Chapter has been removed:

SM 600.2 - Control of the Registration and Deletion of Computer User Identifications (User ID's)
(Consolidated into SM 600.5)


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2008-01, Special Policy Guidance Related to Southern California Firestorm (SCF) 2007- 10/31/07


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

500.26 – Domestic Memorandum of Understanding - 10/02/07


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2007-03, Enterprise Publishing Network (EPN) – Non-Severable Publication Work started but not completed in the same Fiscal Year- 07/12/07


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

370.371.1 - Personnel Suitability – Low Risk and Public Trust Positions - 05/18/07


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

406.1- Grants and Cooperative Agreements - 02/27/07

The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2007-02, Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Business Model for Enterprise Publishing Network (EPN) - 02/26/07


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2007-01, Distributed Direct Budget Object Class Policy Guidance - 02/15/07


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

500.25- Scientific Integrity - 01/05/07


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

308.670 – Business Leaders Team - 10/24/06


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

308.63 - Environmental Management Council - 10/10/06


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM OOP-06-003, Revised Competitive Areas - 10/04/06


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS-2006-08 , When Work Can Begin on an Agreement for a Non-U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Customer - 8/31/06


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM OOP-06-002 , National Geospatial Technical Operations Center Commuting Areas- 7/25/06


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

SM 370.620.1 - Hours of Duty, Leave, Alternative Work Schedules, Holidays, and Voluntary Leave Transfer Program - 7/31/06
(Replaces SM chapters 370.610.1, 370.610.2, 370.630.1, 370.630.3, 370.630.4, 370.630.7, 370.630.9, 370.630.10, and 370.630.11)


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

SM 420.1 - Asset Management - 8/03/06


The following SM Chapter has been revised:

SM 501.1 - Cost Distribution - 8/07/06


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) have been issued:

IM APS 2006-05 – Policy for Advance Payment of Training Expenses - 6/29/06

IM APS 2006-06 – Policy for salary payment of employees working under an Emergency Support Function (ESF), Mission Assignment, or other type of interagency agreement in support of emergency response to natural hazard events. - 6/29/06

IM APS 2006-07– Policy Guidance Related to 2006 Second Supplemental Funding for Hurricane Katrina/Rita - 6/28/06


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

SM 308.61 – Configuration Management Committee - 9/10/04


The following SM Chapters have been issued:

SM 205.18 (Authority to Approve Information Products) - 5/24/06

SM 502.1 (Fundamental Science Practices: Foundation Policy) - 5/24/06

SM 502.2 (Fundamental Science Practices: Planning and Conducting Data Collection and Research) - 5/24/06

SM 502.3 (Fundamental Science Practices: Peer Review) - 5/24/06

SM 502.4 (Fundamental Science Practices: Review, Approval, and Release of Information Products) - 5/24/06
(Replaces SM chapter 500.8 and SM chapter 500.9)


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS 2006-04 (FY 2006 Guidance for Visual Information Restructure) - 04/18/06


The following SM Chapter has been issued:

SM 338.9 - Proceeds from the Sale of Personal Property and Motor Vehicles - 3/10/06


The following SM Handbook 445-2-H Chapter has been added:

SM Handbook 445-2-H Chapter 30 (Ionizing Radiation) - 02/24/06


The following Instructional Memoranda (IM) has been issued:

IM APS 2006-03 (Special Policy Guidance Related to 2006 Supplemental Funding for Hurricane Katrina/Rita) - 02/10/06


The following SM Handbook 445-2-H Appendix has been added:

SM Handbook 445-2-H Appendix 40-1 (Confined Space Program for Stilling Wells) - 01/26/06
Certification for Confined Space Program for Stilling Wells (MS Word form)


The following SM Chapter has been removed:

SM 308.48 Telecommunications Advisory Committee

The committee has been terminated for a number of years and therefore this chapter is no longer needed.
No other chapter replaces SM 308.48.

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Page Contact Information: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 07-Jan-2009@14:48