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USDA Forest Service
Attn: Quantitative Sciences Staff,
Dr. Guy Robertson
1621 North Kent Street, RPC4
Arlington, VA 22209-2137
(703) 605-4188

You are here: Research & Development / National Sustainability Report
National Sustainability Report

This is a report on the state of the forests in the United States of America and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management. Our goal is to provide information that will improve public dialog and decisionmaking on what outcomes are desired and what actions are needed to move the Nation toward this goal. We also intend to establish a baseline for future measurement of our progress. The indicators used reflect many of the environmental, social, and economic concerns of the American public regarding forests. While the report presents data primarily at a national or regional scale, it also provides a valuable context for related efforts to use the indicators to measure progress at such other geographic and/or political scales as ecoregions, States, watersheds, and communities. Scale represents the geographic area in which stakeholders operate. Action at all levels is vital to achieving sustainable forest management in the United States. Unless people at all geographical and political levels across the country conserve, protect, and use forest resources in sustainable ways, then what is said or done at the national level means little.

2010 National Report on Sustainable Forests

Photo: Sustainability Report Cover Page.View or print 2010 Sustainability Draft report (PDF) 4,156 KB's

The Draft National Report on Sustainable Forests--2010 describes the state of forests in the United States of America and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management. If you wish to comment please follow the instructions provided on the comment link on the left side of this page.

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