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Bandsaw Cracking: Troubleshooting Causes (PDF)


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2006 National Forest Products Utilization & Marketing Personnel Directory (PDF)


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Technology Marketing Unit
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for improving utilization and marketing of forest products.

Hardwood Utilization

Hardwood tree volumes and volume per acre are increasing in the United States. Hardwood growth per acre exceeds losses due to disease, insects (e.g., gypsy moth), wildfire, and removals (e.g., timber harvest, urban sprawl). Although hardwoods trees are getting bigger, there is a general decline in hardwood sawlog quality and value. A higher percentage of hardwoods are less desirable species like soft maple (red and silver maple). Most hardwood forests are held in nonindustrial private ownership. These forests often lack necessary forest management. Air pollution, invasive species, lack of biodiversity, and undesirable age and species class distributions are also impacting the quality of these forests. Forest management practices needed for improving these forests include thinning and removing undesirable species. However, insufficient markets and value for low-quality hardwoods, particularly soft maple, hamper management practices. Structural construction materials are one alternative, and FPL research and the TMU staff are actively engaged in developing and implementing technologies that will add value to underutilized hardwoods.

Pertinent Publications


Forest Products Utilization & Marketing


Wood Technology Handbooks & Reference Materials

Forest Products Laboratory Publications

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