Valuing Wildlife in Southern Forests: Species, Habitat, Culture, and Management
Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804

Date:   February 6, 2002
News Release Contact: Claire Payne

Valuing Wildlife in Southern Forests: Species, Habitat, Culture, and Management

Asheville,NC -- James Dickson, Southern Research Station scientist emeritus, enlisted the help of land managers, field experts, and research scientists to assemble a wealth of knowledge about wildlife of southern forests. Wildlife of Southern Forests: Habitat and Management addresses the history of the South's natural resources, forest types and physiographic regions, plant and wildlife communities, and management options. The chapters devoted to wildlife species cover the gamut: game species, large carnivores, furbearers, and non-game communities. Contributors provide details about species description, distribution and abundance, population ecology, habitat use, and management. One chapter addresses conflicts between wildlife and humans. A second chapter discusses wildlife recreation opportunities and preferences.

Two hundred and fifty-one color and black-and-white photos grace the pages of Wildlife of Southern Forests: Habitat and Management. The picture of the sandhill crane chick plopped on the ground beside an egg calls for action—you want to help that other little one whose still-encased beak barely pokes out! References add value for readers pursuing particular points of interest. The book includes lists of common and scientific names for animals and plants, and an index serves as a guide to the comprehensive work. To purchase a copy for $50, visit , send an e-mail to , or call 800.938.1114.

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