Southern Research Station Awarded Top Forest Service Honors
Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804

Date:   October 2, 2006
News Release Contact: Perdita B. Spriggs

Southern Research Station Awarded Top Forest Service Honors

Asheville,NC -- Two Southern Research Station research scientists and a multicultural program manager were recently honored with prestigious USDA Forest Service Chief’s Awards. John Stanturf, Kenneth Outcalt, and Louise K. Wyche were lauded for outstanding individual achievements in areas that recognized cutting edge research as well as multiculturalism throughout the agency. From a competitive pool of 200 nominees nationally, they were among 35 recipients who received awards in 20 categories at a Washington, DC, ceremony in September.

Stanturf received the Chief’s Distinguished Scientist Award for his leadership in developing methods for restoration of temperate forests and for developing innovative methods to rehabilitate and restore southern forest ecosystems. For more than 25 years, he has been a leader in the academic, public and private sector communities, recognized internationally as a forest restoration expert. Stanturf has authored numerous scientific publications and is affiliated with a variety of professional and scientific organizations, including the Society of American Foresters and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Headquartered in Athens, GA, he is the project leader for the Center for Forest Disturbance Science.

Outcalt was honored with the Chief’s Natural Resource Stewardship Award for innovative approaches to stewardship of the unique longleaf pine ecosystem by restoring fire disturbance and reducing the risk of wildfire while protecting biodiversity on national forest land. A 29-year careerist with the Station, Outcalt specializes in research focusing on fire and plant ecology with major emphasis on longleaf pine ecosystems. He has written extensively about its restoration and management in addition to sharing his research with public and private land managers. He is a research ecologist with the Center for Forest Disturbance Science in Athens, GA

Wyche received the Chief’s Multicultural Organization Award for exceptional effort, commitment, and support of the Forest Service Multicultural Workforce Strategic Initiative’s (MWSI) goal to build and retain a multicultural organization. During her 14 years with the Station, Wyche has worked tirelessly with numerous industries, agencies, and organizations across the country to recruit and train diverse students from Alabama A&M University (AAMU) for professional careers throughout the Forest Service. She is the agency’s program manager for the MWSI at AAMU in Normal, AL.

Each Chief’s award recipient also received a Southern Research Station Director’s award earlier this year.

John A. Stanturf Ken Outcalt Louise K. Wyche

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