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Jim Perdue Names to Forest Inventory and Analysis Project Leader Position With the Southern Research Station

Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804

Date:   April 6, 1998
News Release Contact: Melissa Carlson

Jim Perdue Names to Forest Inventory and Analysis Project Leader Position With the Southern Research Station

Asheville,NC -- The forest inventory leadership vacancy at the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station will be filled by James H. Perdue, Deputy Regional Forester of State and Private Forestry for the agency's Southern Region, according to station director Dr. Peter J. Roussopoulos.

"We are delighted to have Jim returning to Asheville to lead our inventory program into the the 21st Century," said Roussopoulos. "Jim is exactly the person we need to provide leadership as we transition into an annual inventory program. His current position as Deputy for SPF has solidified strong relationships with other agencies and private industry representatives that are crucial to making the new system work."

Regional Forester Elizabeth Estill said, "While we are sorry to be losing a valued member of our team, we look at this as an opportunity to further cement our working relationship with the Southern Research Station. It will be very difficult to replace Jim, but we will be aggressively seeking the right person to fill this critical vacancy. We're looking for an individual who can build on the outstanding initiatives that resulted from Jim's leadership."

Perdue replaces Noel Cost, who has moved into a new position focusing on collaborative coordination of forest inventory and forest health monitoring. A native of Newton, AL, Perdue began his career in natural resource management in 1968 at the Alabama Forestry Commission. He joined the Forest Service in 1978 as a resource planning specialist in Denver. Since then, his career has taken him all over the country, including two assignments at the agency's headquarters in Washington, DC. He later served as assistant director for planning and applications at the Southern Station in New Orleans and Asheville.

Perdue earned a B.S. in forest management at Auburn University and an M.S. in natural resource policy and planning at Colorado State University. During his career, he has accumulated an outstanding slate of accomplishments including the National Shell Oil Fellowship, the Council on Environmental Quality Award for Excellence in Environmental Planning, and a Merit Award for National Leadership in budget coordination.

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