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Neurotoxicity of Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene): Discussion Paper

Federal Register Notices
Robert E. Mcgaughy
by phone at:   202-564-3244
by email at:  mcgaughy.robert@epa.gov
This paper is a background document for a meeting of neurotoxicity experts to discuss the central nervous system effects of exposure to perchloroethylene (perc). The document reviews the literature on neurological testing of people exposed to perc occupationally in dry cleaning facilities and on people living near dry cleaning facilities. It also reviews the neurobehavioral studies of laboratory animals exposed to perc via inhalation. The reports describe impairment of visual information processing and other adverse neurobehavioral effects in several studies of employees working in dry cleaning facilities using perc. Two studies of people living near dry cleaning facilities have also shown neurological effects, and their exposures have been at lower concentrations than the workers and the specific neurological tests used in the residential studies have been different. The expert panel will discuss issues centering on the question of whether this limited information at lower exposures is strong enough to infer that low concentrations of perc is a hazard to the general population.

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The details of the neurotoxic consultant panel meeting will be announced in a future Federal Register Notice.


U.S. EPA. Neurotoxicity of Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene): Discussion Paper. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington Office, Washington, DC, EPA/600/P-03/005A, 2003.
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