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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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SARE 20/20 

SARE's Mission and Vision

From the director

20 Years of SARE


Organic Farming

Pest Management


Systems Research

Clean Energy Farming



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SARE 20/20

sunset on the farm
Photo by Jerry DeWitt
This special 20th anniversary edition chronicles 20 years of agricultural innovation-from SARE's beginning in 1988 to present-day stories of farmers, ranchers, researchers and educators working across America to develop and implement sustainable marketing and production practices.

SARE’s vision is an enduring American agriculture of the highest quality. This agriculture is profitable, protects the nation’s land and water and is a force for a rewarding way of life for farmers and ranchers whose quality products and operations sustain their communities and society.

Patch Burning for Cattle and Prairie: Doing Well by Doing Good

Organic Farming
Tackling the Thorny Issues, Linking Practitioners

Pest Management
A Toolbox of Innovations to Control Small Ruminant Parasites

Fair Trade Strategy for Northeast “Eco-Growers”

Systems Research
Experimental Farm Helps North Carolina Farmers

Clean Energy Farming
New Mexico Grower Saved by the Sun

Rural Revitalization through Farm-Based Enterprise

SARE's 20/20 featured photographer is long-time sustainable agriculture advocate Jerry DeWitt (left). Jerry has served in myriad positions, including interim director of SARE and his current position as director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. Jerry’s photos have been published in two books: People Sustaining the Land and Renewing the Countryside—Iowa. The images on the covers, page 2 and even-numbered pages starting on page's are his. Thanks, Jerry!

Contributing Writers: Melissa Waldron Lehner, Andy Clark, Diana Friedman, Valerie Berton.
Editor: Dena Leibman.
Designer: Donna Anderson.








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