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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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2003 Highlights 

From the director

Integrating Sheep, Grain

Cover Crops in Vegetables

Organic Workshops

Small Ruminants

Ozark Herbs

Beach Plum

Integrating Cattle, Pecans

Mississippi Forestlands

Conservation Tillage

Small Acreage Farmers

Grass-Based Dairy

Farmers as Educators

All Highlights

SARE 2003 Highlights

Paul and Maxine Haydon

Consumers across the nation are beginning to seek food produced using more environmentally sound methods. That trend offers a wide range of profitable opportunities for farmers and ranchers. The 2003 annual report of USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program features 12 projects from across the country that explore sustainable farming systems. moremore


Pest Management
Integrating Sheep into Grain and Alfalfa Systems Knocks Back Pests
Cover Crops Deter Root-Damaging Nematodes in Vegetable Systems

Organic Production
Organic Workshops Shine Light on Grain, Livestock Enterprises

Low-Cost Livestock Systems
Improving a System: Sheep, Goat Farmers Explore State of the Rumen

New Crops
Ozark Herbs: Building a Profitable Enterprise One Root at a Time
'Heritage Plant Holds Promise for Northeast Growers

Good Bedfellows: Cattle, Pecan Trees an Environmentally Sound Mix

Mississippi-Led Workshops Create Opportunity for Forestland Owners

Resource Conservation
Conservation Tillage in Western Crops Boosts Profits, Cuts Erosion
Living on the Land: Improving Education for Small-Acreage Farmers

Water Quality
Grass-Based Dairy Systems Prove a Water Quality Winner

Continuing Education
Farmers as Educators: New Program Sends Information Peer to Peer



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