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Stephanie Love
District Silviculturist

Today, I ate my lunch next to one of the finest waterfalls in the Southern region. I've worked on a wilderness crew in the untouched forests of Nevada. I once stood face-to-face with Mississippi's endangered gopher tortoise. The surprise is that I wasn't on vacation - I was at work.

In a typical day, I review and recommend plans for timber management programs. Sometimes, I do more administrative work, like managing budgets and databases. I also prepare environmental assessment reports to ensure legal compliance.

My advice to those looking to begin a career in government is to be persistent and tenacious in applying for positions. For me, the decision to work for the USDA Forest Service was easy. I have job security, a great benefits package, and so many opportunities for travel. But mostly, the opportunity to apply the science and art of growing and managing a forest for the USDA Forest Service gives me a sense of fulfillment - I'm doing my part to contribute to sustainable forestry.



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