Acreages within various characteristic layers stratified by Inventoried Roadless Area categories within Indiana.
All acreage figures are rounded to the nearest 1,000.
  …that does not allow road construction and reconstruction   …that does not allow road construction and the Forest  Plan recommends wilderness   …that does allow road construction and reconstruction  
IRA Category acres (1,000)           8   8
FIRE CONDITION CLASS   acres* (1,000) %   acres* (1,000) %   acres* (1,000) %   acres* (1,000)
Condition Class 1       0     0     0    
Condition Class 2       100     0   1 10   1
Condition Class 3       0     0   7 86   7
Non-Vegetation       0     0     0    
Agriculture       0     0     5    
Urban/Development/Agriculture     0     0     0    
Water         0     0     0    
FIRE REGIMES                      
0-35 yrs; Low Severity       0     0   8 91   8
0-35 yrs; Stand Replacement       0     0     0    
35-100 yrs; Mixed Severity       100     0   1 9   1
35-100 yrs; Stand Replacement     0     0     0    
200 + yrs; Stand Replacement     0     0     0    
Barren       0     0     0    
Water         0     0     0    
Risk of Mortality Not Present       100     0   8 100   8
Risk of Mortality Present       0     0     0    
LAND COVER CLASS                      
Deciduous Forest       100     0   8 95   8
Evergreen Forest       0     0     0    
Mixed Forest       0     0     0    
Shrub-Brush Rangeland       0     0     0    
Rangeland       0     0     0    
Wetland       0     0     0    
Tundra       0     0     0    
Urban/Development/Agriculture     0     0     5    
Barren Land       0     0     0    
Water         0     0     0    
PROTECTED AREA DATABASE                      
GAP Code 1       0     0     0    
GAP Code 2       0     0     0    
GAP Code 3       0     0   7 88   7
Outside of PAD         100     0   1 12   1
* These GIS overlays were prepared from coverages compiled at various scales and resolutions.  To account for the differences in scales and resolutions, a percent-area by attribute was calculated for each characteristic overlay layer.  The acres in each roadless category/characteristic attribute were calculated by multiplying percent-area and total acreages from the Inventoried Roadless Area coverage.  Derived acres have been rounded to the nearest 1,000 acres.