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FAQ #10682

We're interested in growing fig trees in central Florida. Any information is appreciated.

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Common varieties adapted to Florida are sold under several names. Names commonly used in Florida are listed with synonyms in parenthesis.

'Celeste' (Celestial, Blue Celeste, Little Brown, Sugar). Widely grown in the South. Fruit small, purplish-bronze to light brown with closed eye, ripening from mid-July to mid-August. Does not bear fruit in season following severe freeze damage.

'Brown Turkey' (Everbearing, Harrison, Ramsey, Lee's Perpetual, Eastern Brown Turkey, Brunswick). Rivals 'Celeste' in popularity. Moderate size fruit of bronze color with medium eye opening. Ripens in late July until late fall and will fruit following severe freeze damage.

'Green Ischia' (Ischia Green, White Ischia, Ischia Verte). Not widely grown but green color and closed eye make it desirable. Fruit ripens late July to early August and does not fruit during season following severe freeze.

'San Piero' (Thomson, California Brown Turkey). No common name in Florida. Fruit very large, purplish-black to purplish-bronze color, does not droop and is subject to souring and splitting.

'Magnolia' (Brunswick, Madonna). Uncommon in Florida, but found throughout the South and canned commercially in Texas. Fruit lopsided, large, bronze colored with open eye. 'Magnolia' ripens from mid-July to late August, fruit tends toward sourness and splitting. Will bear after severe freeze damage.

Planting: Bare-rooted figs can be planted anytime during the dormant season, late winter is preferred. Container-grown plants should be set in early spring.

Pruning: Prune only to maintain desired bush size, heading back to promote branching. Keep 3 - 5 leaders, removing suckers. Prune freeze-damaged wood after regrowth commences.

Moisture: Figs will not tolerate excessively wet soil, but need large quantities of water in the fruiting season. A well-drained soil is required. Shallow cultivation of weeds and weekly irrigation is recommended for optimum fruiting. Heavy mulches will aid soil moisture retention.

Check out the following University of Florida publication on growing figs for more information: The Fig

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