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Frequently Asked Questions

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USGS Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's about Geography

If you are the U.S. Geological Survey, why do you study water and not rocks?
Where have amphibian declines been noted?
Where can I obtain information about radon in my area?
How many glaciers in Alaska have floating termini (or terminuses and which is it)?
Where in the United States is there evidence of volcanism?
Is there a list of the largest landslides in the United States?
Is there a list of the largest landslides in the World?
Alaska was covered by glaciers during the Great Ice Age (Pleistocene).
Where does the United States rank in the number of volcanoes?
Where can I find the temperature or precipitation for YourCity, USA?
How much of the Earth is volcanic?
How many glaciers are in Alaska?
What was the most expensive landslide to fix in the United States?
How can I find field record materials (original field notes and related material made by USGS geologists) and mapping notes?
Can anyone just drop in at USGS Information Services locations?
How can I search for and order historic USGS topographic maps?
How can I find survey benchmark information?
How can I find digital map data?
Do you have map data in digital form?
Where is the largest active volcano in the world?

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