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Farm Energy Calendar of Events

Midwest Value Added Agriculture Conference

January 22-23, 2009
Rochester, Minnesota

The theme for this 11th annual conference is "Farm and Home Added Value: Profiting from Renewable Energy and Regional Food." Come learn how to profit from the growing market for local food and renewable energy. Visit the trade show, participate in round table discussions and eat your fill of great locally grown food.

Harvesting Clean Energy Conference IX

January 25-27, 2009
Billings, Montana

The Harvesting Clean Energy Conference is the Northwest’s premiere gathering to advance rural economic development through clean energy production. The conference charts the future of rural clean energy in the Northwest. Discussions focus on the steps to successful project development, including financing, to cut costs on the farm and produce power or feedstocks for market. Technologies covered include wind power, biofuels, biopower, geothermal, solar, and energy efficiency.

Advanced Oilseed and Biodiesel Production Workshop

January 28-29, 2009
Billings, Montana

Farmers, businesspeople, and scientists will present the most current information about processing oilseed crops and on-farm biodiesel production at this Oilseeds for Fuel, Feed and the Future workshop, a joint effort of NCAT, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Montana Agro-Energy Initiative, USDA Risk Management Agency and other co-sponsors. Markets, economics and technical aspects of oilseed crushing and biodiesel use will be addressed.

Illinois Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting

January 28, 2009
Taylorville, Illinois

The theme for this year's annual meeting is biomass and on-farm energy. The morning will be devoted to discussing the opportunities and challenges of biomass and methane biodigesters. Tour opportunities round out the afternoon program including the Christian County unit office biomass heat furnace and the methane recovery/greenhouse used at Buckley Growers Greenhouse. Additional tour opportunity to visit the University of Illinois Dudley Smith Miscanthus research plots.

Algae Commercialization, Research and Business Networking Forum

January 29-30, 2009
Houston, Texas

This event is presented by the National Algae Association, the first national trade association for the algae industry in the United States. The NAA brings algae researchers and companies together to share ideas and exchange information to overcome technological hurdles.

Renewable Energy - Renewable Resources

January 29-30, 2009
Wichita, Kansas

Six professional societies and several other organizations that promote the wise use and management of Kansas' natural resources are sponsoring the second Kansas Natural Resources Conference. Conference speakers, concurrent sessions, and tradeshow will provide a variety of information about energy.

Ohio Maple Days Workshops

January 29, 30 and 31, 2009
Fulton, Kidron and Burton, Ohio

Ohio State University Extension will hold its annual Ohio Maple Days workshop three times in different locations. Included will be a two-part session on reverse osmosis (RO), which can cut the amount of fuel used to boil down maple syrup by up to 75 percent.

National Biodiesel Conference & Expo

February 1-4, 2009
San Francisco, California

The National Biodiesel Board is planning a rich educational program featuring presentations and discussions from the industry’s most influential leaders. The conference will include an array of networking and social events, along with an always popular and exciting Expo with more than 400 booths showcasing the latest in biodiesel products and services.

Harnessing Resources & Teamwork for Minnesota’s Energy Future

February 10-11, 2009
St. Cloud, Minnesota

The Third Clean Energy Resource Teams Conference will bring together over 500 Minnesotans who are blazing the paths to a clean energy future by working on energy efficiency and clean energy projects in their communities, thus accelerating our learning process together. This year’s event will start with optional in-depth workshops and an evening reception on February 10th followed by the day-long conference on the 11th. Wind, solar, biogas, efficient cooling, heating and lighting, and fuel-efficient cars will be discussed.

Methane Recovery from Livestock Operations Workshop: The Economic and Environmental Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion

February 19, 2009
York, Nebraska

This EPA AgSTAR program workshop is intended to provide livestock producers that handle manure in a liquid or slurry form with information about the costs and benefits of anaerobic digestion systems and to provide information that producers can use to determine if these systems would be a good investment on your farm. Expert speakers will discuss a wide range of topics including, the various types of anaerobic systems, producer experience with these systems, potential sources of funding, feasibility studies, additional revenue streams from anaerobic digester systems including carbon markets, interconnection issues and much more.

National Ethanol Conference: Policy & Marketing

February 23-25, 2009
San Antonio, Texas

This conference is recognized as the premier opportunity for industry interaction, networking and education on marketing and policy issues impacting the U.S. ethanol industry. The agenda includes keynote address, panel discussions, and breakout sessions.

AgSTAR National Conference

February 24-25, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland

The AgSTAR conference is described as a must for livestock producers, project developers, regulators, energy professionals, financiers, and others interested in manure digesters and energy projects. The conference is a great place to learn, identify potential projects, and network with others in the industry. The conference will highlight the latest projects, technologies and financial incentives, and will once again include technical presentations, a conference luncheon, exhibits, and a tour of local manure digesters.

Midwest Rural Energy Council Conference and Agricultural Electric Code Workshop

February 25-27, 2009
Bloomington, Minnesota

The conference includes a virtual tour of integrated Dairy and Energy production facility, breakout sessions on Farm Wiring, Stray Voltage and Electrical Distribution, and seven sessions on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum

February 26-27, 2009
Arlington, Virginia

"Global Agriculture & Rural America in Transition" is the topic for this 85th annual Outlook Forum. The Secretary of Agriculture and government, farm, and industry leaders will discuss the future of American agriculture. A Distinguished Plenary Panel is planned on Food & Energy: Expectations & Realities.

Business Forum: Apply for a USDA Solar Energy Grant

February 28 - March 1, 2009
Grants Pass, Oregon

Learn how to participate in a national competition for funding your renewable energy project in this course at Rogue Community College. The goal of the workshop is to teach how to optimize scoring potential on a USDA renewable energy grant application. All aspects of the grant application and proposal layout will be covered.

Sustainability and Energy EXP09

March 6-7, 2009
Tucson, Arizona

"Building a Better Community" is the event theme. Find up-to-the-moment solar and energy technologies in southern Arizona, hear from the national and regional experts, and learn more about sustainable living.

Sun Grant Biomass & Renewable Energy Congress

March 10-13, 2009
Washington, DC

This event will feature the latest innovative research, updates on state, regional and federal incentives and laws, basic renewable energy minicourses, and hot topics in renewable energy.

Biodiesel Technology Workshop

March 16-20, 2009
Moscow, Idaho

This 5-day workshop format includes: business management for biodiesel producers, biodiesel analytical methods, and biodiesel production technology.

By Month
January 2009(7 events)
February 2009(8 events)
March 2009(3 events)
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