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How to Apply for SARE Grants


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Are you interested in becoming a project coordinator for a NCR-SARE grant? If so, and if you live in one of the following states, this information is for you. The North Central Region consists of: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. For information on other SARE regions contact: the National SARE program, Western Region SARE, Southern Region SARE or Northeast Region SARE.

To apply for a NCR-SARE grant:

Step 1: Determine which SARE grant program is right for you: the Research and Education Grant Program, the Farmer Rancher Grant Program, the Graduate Student Grant Program, and/or the Professional Development Program (PDP).

Step 2: Search the national SARE database of projects to review previously funded grants in your topic area.

Step 3: Get a copy of the NCR-SARE call for proposals from the appropriate program and ask to be put on the regional mailing list for future calls.

Step 4: Determine the relevant deadline for the grant program(s) from which you seek funding. (Research and Education deadline, Farmer Rancher deadline, PDP deadline)

Step 5: See our online tip sheet for formulating and writing proposals.

Step 6: Contact potential collaborators and develop proposal ideas.

Step 7: Get help with proposal writing, if necessary. The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) and  Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) are two organizations that can help you with literature reviews and background research. View the USDA Budget Guidelines to help you correctly compose your budget. The NCR-SARE office can also answer questions and provide samples of proposals.

Step 8: Submit your proposal, following all guidelines, prior to the specified deadline.

Información acerca de SARE da a un agricultor en español.

Resources for Writing a Grant Proposal

How to Write a Winning Proposal

Developing and Writing Grant Proposals
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

Conducting an Information Search on Your Research Proposal
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), 2007

How to Write a SARE Farmer Grant Application
by David Holm, Helen Husher, and Dale Riggs
Northeast Region SARE (PDF|233 KB)

Información acerca de SARE da a un agricultor en español.

NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Program Tips Sheet
North Central Region SARE (PDF|95 KB)

Research & Education Grants. Professional Development Grants
Northeast SARE (PDF|20 KB)

Outcome Measurement and Grant Writing
by Murari Suvedi and Ben Bartlett
Michigan State University (PDF|116 kb)

Proposal Writing Short Course
The Foundation Center

Putting Together a Grant Proposal: A Follow Up Activity of Ensuring the South's Farm and Forestland Protection Workshops
Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, sample proposal (PDF|81 KB)

Successful Grants Video
Western Region SARE, Utah State University, 2007

Tips for Applying for SARE Grants
North Central Region SARE

Tips on Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal
Western Region SARE (PDF|73 KB)

Why Did We Pick Them?
Examples of winning proposals and explanations of why they were selected.
Southern Region SARE

“Writing a Strong Application”
In: Partnership Grants (page 7)
Northeast Region SARE (PDF|109 KB)


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