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Cartoon Cornucopia: The J. Arthur Wood, Jr. Collection of Cartoon Art
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All of the works listed below are from the Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature, now housed in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. Copyright is retained by the creator or publisher.

REPRODUCTION NUMBER(S): Library of Congress reproduction numbers, beginning with the prefix "LC-USZ," are provided here for the reader's convenience in obtaining black-and-white photographs ("LC-USZ62-****"), color transparencies (LC-USZC4-*****), or digital files ("LC-DIG-ppmsca-****") from the Library's Photoduplication Service. Reproduction of works in this exhibition is restricted by copyright law. The Library of Congress does not grant or deny copyright permission. Please apply directly to the copyright owner.

E.A. Abbey, "He opened the book, and she saw that there were some lines pencilled on the gray binding," 1884
Pen and ink
Published in Judith Shakespeare, her love affairs and other adventures, by William Black and illustrated by E.A. Abbey. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1884, p. 175

Nell Brinkley, Uncle Sam's Girl-Shower, 1917
Pencil and ink on board

Miguel Covarrubias, Impossible Interviews- no. 15. S.L. Rothafel versus Arturo Toscanini, 1933
Published in Vanity Fair (New York), Feb. 1933, p. 25.
Miguel Covarrubias/ Vanity Fair © Conde Nast Publications, Inc.

George Cruikshank, [Alcohol, Death and the Devil], between 1847 and 1860
Gouache over graphite underdrawing

"Ding" Darling, Caught in his own bear trap, 1942
Ink brush over graphite underdrawing
Published in the Des Moines Register and New York Tribune, November 28, 1942
Reproduced with permission from Kip Koss, President of J.N. "Ding" Darling Foundation

Homer Davenport, [William Randolph Hearst],1896.
Black and red ink on paper

Rube Goldberg, Vote-Getting Machine, [between 1939 and 1962]
Rube Goldberg is the ® and the © of Rube Goldberg, Inc.

George Herriman, Krazy Kat, 1942
India ink with scraping out over graphite underdrawing on bristol board
Published by King Features Syndicate, April 19, 1942
© Reprinted with permission of King Features

Heinrich Kley, [Three nude characters astride an ornate building], ca. 1910
Pencil, ink, ink wash and watercolor

Winsor McCay, [Gertie the Dinosaur], 1914
Ink on tracing paper

Thomas Nast, Union of all Nations, April 1893
India ink with scraping out

Richard F. Outcault, Mc Fadden's Row of Flats - Inauguration of the Football Season in McFadden's Row, 1896
India ink over graphite underdrawing with scraping out on bristol board
Variant of that published in the New York Journal, November 15, 1896

Richard F. Outcault, The Yellow Kid. He meets Tige and Mary Jane and [Buster Brown], 1907
Pencil, ink, and watercolor
Published in the New York American Examiner, July 7, 1907.

Katharine Pyle, Rinaldo for the time escapes the beast, ca. 1932
Gouache on board
Published in Katharine Pyle, Charlemagne and His Knights told and illustrated by Katharine Pyle.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1932

Alex Raymond, Flash Gordon #21, 1934
Ink and opaque white over graphite underdrawing with paste-ons
Published by King Features, June 3, 1934.
© Reprinted with permission of King Features

Charles Schulz, Peanuts, 1964
Ink brush over graphite underdrawing, with printed overlay on bristol board
Published by United Features, October 5, 1964
Copyright held by United Feature Syndicate

Gustaf Tenggren. [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Model Sketch for the Seven Dwarfs].
Pencil, ink, and watercolor on brown paper. ca.1937.
© Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Walt Disney Productions, Snow White, 1937
Tempera on celluloid
© Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Walt Disney Productions, Jiminy Cricket, 1940
Pencil with watercolor and ink
© Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Chic Young, Blondie, 1932
India ink and blue pencil over graphite underdrawing with paste-ons
Published by King Features, December 27, 1932
© Reprinted with permission of King Features

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