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Register Now for 2009 Annual Meeting Registration!

LERA 61st Annual Meeting
Workplace Dispute Resolution, Globalization and Change
January 3-5, 2009,
St. Francis Westin, San Francisco
$75 meeting registration fee; Hotel Rooms start at $111/single
Schedule and program listed online in July. More information
Annual Meeting Program now online! 2009 Meeting Program

Save the Date! 2009 LERA National Policy Forum
Beyond Gridlock in Labor and Employment Policy:  Ensuring Good Jobs, Fair Treatment, and High Performance in a Turbulent Economy
June 11-12, 2009
Cafritz Conference Center - George Washington University
Call for Papers

LERA Launches "LERA Commons" Blogsite
We invite you to visit, read blogs, and add your own thoughts at the LERA Commons blogsite. Our newest forum is collection of blogs by members of the LERA. Log on and post your comments or questions to the LERA bloggers today.

Cover of the LERA-New Yorker Cartoon Book Publication

LERA and The New Yorker Develop Cartoon Book
The LERA, working with The New Yorker, has pulled together a collection of prized cartoons that captures some of the funniest moments of employment relations and work life. This volume, commemorating LERA's 60th anniversary, will surely entertain you and win rave reviews.

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UCIRHRP Sponsored Competitive Student Papers – Due October 1, 2008
The University Council of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Programs, UCIRHRP, is sponsoring a student paper competition at the 61st LERA Annual Meeting. New developments in employment relations, organizational behavior, and social movements call for a closer look at emergent processes, outcomes and organizational forms. The motivation for this special call for papers is to reflect the diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches to researching emergent phenomena in the field. Examples include, but are by no means restricted to new forms of labor market institutions; diversity in organizations; social movements; and international/transnational actors and organizations. UCIRHRP will offer a monetary award to the top papers chosen for this session. More information

LERA 2007 Proceedings Online
The Proceedings of the LERA 59th Annual Meeting is now available online in a searchable format. View the 2007 Proceedings.

LERA Research Volume Published
The 2008 LERA Research Volume The Gloves Off Economy: Workplace Standards at the Bottom of America's Labor Market, edited by Annette Bernhardt, Heather Boushey, Laura Dresser and Chris Tilly, is now available. All libraries will receive a copy through their membership; nonmembers can order a copy through Cornell University Press.

Catch the newest monthly issue of the LERA Labor and Employment Law Newsletter

Updated! The eighth edition of LERA's Perspectives on Work Online Companion contains three articles. The first essay, by Ellen Dannin, of Penn State Dickinson School of Law, offers a preview of a feature – on Work, Workers, Faith and Values – to appear in the forthcoming print edition of Perspectives on Work . The second article, by Perspectives on Work editor Charles Whalen, examines the work (and play) of writing. The third article, by economist Markley Roberts, reviews Freedom Is Not Enough: The Opening of the American Workplace, by Nancy MacLean (Harvard University Press, 2006).
The Winter 2008 Issue (11.2) of Perspectives on Work celebrates the 60th anniversary of LERA.  Other features include a Policy Forum, on global trade and its impact on working families in the United States, and two articles on conflict and cooperation in industrial relations.  The issue also contains four book review essays on a wide range of topics. "Perspectives on Work" Volume 11 Issue 2 -- Cover Art

● Members can read the issue in the Members Library in PDF format. (You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

● Not a Member? Become one here!

Read Excerpts from Winter 2008 edition:
Linking Local Expertise and National Dialogue: Sixty Years of LERA
Maggie Jacobsen
On January 5, 2008, LERA past president and former NLRB chair and member, Maggie Jacobsen passed away. Following is her contribution to the LERA 60th Anniversary issue published in December 2007. Maggie will be greatly missed.

Moving from Interest Based to Results Focused Bargaining
John R. Stepp and Gary I. Bergel

Assisting American Workers and their Families Adversely Affected by Globalization
Howard Rosen

Other Publishers Offer Discounts on Books and Journals
LERA/IRRA Members receive up to 25% discount for books and journals from major publishers including Cornell University Press, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Upjohn, M.E. Sharpe and others.

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Labor and Employment Relations Association
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
121 Labor and Industrial Relations Bldg., 504 E. Armory Ave., Champaign, IL 61820
Tel: 217-333-0072 | Fax: 217-265-5130 | LERAoffice@illinois.edu | www.lera.uiuc.edu