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Page not found - 404 Error

We're sorry.

The page you have requested is no longer available at this URL. We recently reorganized our website to provide you with our information more quickly and easily. We apologize for this initial inconvenience, but we also hope that you will find our newly designed site to be a vast improvement over the old design.

Try using the improved search engine to locate your information. Publications (PDF, DOC, PPT, TXT, etc.) are not searchable using the search engine but can all be located on the News, Publications

If you need help finding any information, please use our "Ask MDA" Online Form or send an email to MDA.Info@state.mn.us for further assistance.

Thank you

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Other possible reasons for this error are:

  • Another site linked to a page and got the link wrong.
  • Another site linked to a page that no longer exists.
  • The link was dated or the page simply no longer exists.
  • A search engine has an old index and hasn't updated.
  • The web address may have been typed incorrectly.
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There are several alternatives which may help you find what you are looking for:

  • Try using keywords to search our site.
  • Browse the MDA A to Z page
  • Use our Ask MDA online form to ask questions or notify us about broken links and problem pages:

If you still can't find what you are looking for and need more help, please send a message to webinfo@mda.state.mn.us

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Some pages that may be generating this error:

The Refrigerator Pickle recipe - this page was part of the 1998 and 1999 Minnesota Grown Directory. Each year the Directory is updated and only the current version is available.

The Inspection Connection - a publication which was produced by the Dairy, Meat and Food Inspection Division, is no longer being published. All past editions were removed from the web site.

The Specialty Meats Directory has been combined with the Minnesota Grown Directory and is no longer published.