My Seedlist GIANT PUMPKINS Seed exchanges / Seed swaps
Direct Root Feeding Sun Looking Leaves

Have seeds of:
Looking for seeds/plants of:

Harvested Latin name/Syn. Common Name(s) Short info
comm. Allium porrum Leek Variety:
Starozagorski Kamush - Most popular leek variety in Bulgaria. With no special care stalk easily grows to 65+ / 25+ cm./in. (leaves excluded) and about 5 / 2 cm./in. thick. Excellent leek taste. Very old heirloom turned in commerce.
  Amaranthus ? Amaranth - Variety 'Alegria' - grain type. Probably A. tricolor 2008
- Edible leaf type (Callaloo) 2007
comm. Apium graveolens rapaceum Celeriac Spice; Root diameter up to 13 cm.
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2006 Arctium lappa Burdock (cultivated) Cultivar:
More info
2008 Arum maculatum Lord-and-Ladies An ornamental plant 
More info
2008 Basella alba Indian/Malabar Spinach Leaf vegetable.
Image and info
2008 Beta vulgaris Beet Albino Vereduna
Note: Pure seeds
2005 Brassica juncea Mustard Leaf vegetable.
Red Giant
More info
2008 Brassica oleracea var. acephala Kale Lacinato
Red Russian
Note: Pure seeds
comm. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes Kohlrabi, Kohl rabi Local Bulgarian variety.
Skin: purple
Weight: up to 3.5 kg.
Flesh: Sweet (tasty), not very crisp.
Image (very similar)
More info
  Capsicum spp. Pepper Images here

Capsicum annuum varieties:
Alesya - non-pungent 2007
Apple - non-pungent 2007
Chimayo - medium hot 2007
Cuneo Yellow - non-pungent 2007
Feher Kos - non-pungent 2007
Georgescu Chocolate - non-pungent 2007
Kinjal (Dagger / Poniard) - non-pungent 2007
Palanacka Babura - non-pungent 2007
Parnas - non-pungent 2007
Purple Beauty - non-pungent 2006
Red Ruffle - non-pungent 2007
Sweet Chocolate - non-pungent 2007

About 20 Bulgarian varieties. Commercial seeds. Mostly non-pungent (sweet non-bell). Images and descriptions on request.

Capsicum baccatum varieties:
Aji Cristal - mild to medium hot2007
Aji Escabeche - hot 2007
Champion - non-pungent to mildly hot 2007
Lemon Drop - hot 2007
Rain Forest - mildly hot 2007
Starfish - mildly hot 2007

Capsicum chinense varieties:
Chocolate Habanero - extremely hot 2007
Red Savina - extremely hot 2007
Tobago Sweet Scotch Bonnet - non-pungent to mildly hot. Pure seeds 2008
Trinidad Perfume - non-pungent to mildly hot 2007
Trinidad Seasoning - medium hot 2007
West Indian Red - hot 2007
White Bullet - hot 2007

Thai Hot (Thai Bird) - very hot 2006 (probably C. frutescens) Pure seeds

Note: Most of these varieties are not grown under isolation, so off-types are possible!

2008 Cercis siliquastrum Judas tree An ornamental tree (quite attractive)
More info
2008 Glebionis coronaria, Chrysanthemum coronarium Garland Chrysanthemum, Shingiku Edible Chrysanthemum
variety: Tiger Ear
2007 Cicer arietinum Chick pea Cultivar:
Besvirino (Assyrian brown garbanzo from Besvirino) - large seeded
Brown Popping - large seeded, black mottled brown
Kali Chana - small brown seeds, Indian variety
  Citrullus lanatus Watermelon Varieties:
Citron type - Oblong (up to 40 cm.), white flesh, green seeds, tastes like watermelon rind. Used for sweets. 2004 - My Photos
Blacktail Mountain 2007
Cream of Saskatchewan 2008
Golden Midget 2005
Ledmon 2007
Orangeglo 2007
Petite Yellow 2007
Royal Golden 2007
Sweet Siberian 2008
Wilson Sweet 2007

NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)
  Cornus mas Cornelian cherry Fruit-tree (large fruit form)
For description of the Bulgarian cultivars of Cornus mas - CLICK HERE
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OUT #1   Fruit size (very large): up to 4.3 cm.(1.69 in.) long
fruit weight: up to 12 g.
Taste: ripe fruit - too astringent to be eaten.
fully ripe fruit - sweet
My Photo
2006 #2   Fruit size (very large): up to 4 cm.(1.57 In.) long
fruit weight: up to 10 g. 
Taste: ripe fruit - astringent, but can be eaten.
fully ripe fruit - sweet
My Photo
2004 #3 (wild)   Fruit size: up to 2 cm.(0.79 In.) long 
fruit weight: up to 3 g.
Taste: ripe fruit - astringent, but can be eaten.
fully ripe fruit - sweet
My Photo
2005 #4   Large fruited
This produces the earliest fruits (followed by #1; next is #3 (the wild) and last #2 - about month after #4).
Taste: ripe fruit - too astringent to be eaten.
fully ripe fruit - sweet
2005 #5   Similar to #2
OUT Crataegus pentagyna   Shrub / small tree with edible fruit.
More info
2008 Cucumis anguria Gherkin Vegetable.
West Indian Gherkin
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  Cucumis melo Melon Cultivars:
Carosello Barese - melon used as cucumber 2006
Charentais 2007
Early Oriental 2007
Ineya - This variety is a national standard in Ukraine. Short oval fruit - 1-2.4 kg./2.2-5.2 lb. Orange-yellow, smoot, thin skin (first fruits can be netted). White-green flesh. Very sweet, excellent taste (though not as flavorful as some other varieties). When fresh picked, flesh can be crisp (but sweet and tasty) 2008 Image
Golden Sweet 2007
Haogen/Ogen 2007
Orange Flesh Honeydew 2007
Prescott Fond Blanc 2005
Sakata's Sweet 2007
Snowy White #2 - Chinese variety. East Asian type. Small, round to pear shaped, up to 1/2 kg. / 1 lb. White skin and flesh. Very sweet. Very good taste. Very early 2008 Image
Spear 2007

NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)

2006 Cucumis metuliferus Kiwano, African Horned Cucumber Tastes like a mix of lemon and cucumber (refreshing).
  Cucumis sativus Cucumber Cultivar:
Chinese Long White (this is not the original name) - White, 25-30 cm. / 10-12 in. All purpose. Excellent flavour. Chinese variety. - Image 2008
Suyo (Suyo Long, Soo Yoh) 2005
  Cucurbita argyrosperma, syn C. mixta Cushaw squash Japanese Pie 2008

NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)

  Cucurbita maxima Squash, Pumpkin Cultivars:
Blue Hubbard 2006
Galeux d'Eysines (Galeuse d'Eysines) 2004
Guatemalan Blue Banana 2008
Jdana - Earliest Ukrainian maxima squash variety of high quality. Average weight 6-9 kg. / 13-20 lb. Grey-blue skin. Thick red-orange, stringless flesh. Quite moist and surprisingly sweet with very good flavour. For early variety it is excellent raw, backed, steamed. Powdery mildew resistant (I think only on paper). Good keeper. 2008 Image
Lakota 2007
Pastila-Shampan (Fruit candy Champagne) - Under this name is known in Russia. I do not know the original French name (actually I readed only one Russian source that says it is a French variety, so I'm not fully sure that it is a French variety). - Average weight 3-4 kg. / 6.5-9 lb. Pink or bicolour skin - pink and grey-blue. Medium thick orange, stringless flesh. Advertised as having vanilla aroma, and surprisingly it really has a touch of vanilla/milk flavour! Tasty squash. 2008 Image
Pink Banana 2008
Potimarron 2008
Sweet Meat 2008
Warted Green Hubbard 2007

Dill's Atlantic Giant:
595 (270 kg.) Hristov 07 UOW (517.6 Hristov x 515.4 Hristov)
553 (251 kg.) Hristov 07 UOW (321 Hristov x 268 Hristov)
517.6 (235 kg.) Hristov 05 UOW (370.6 Noel 03 x 1082.6 Curry 03)
515.4 (234 kg.) Hristov 05 UOW (1082.6 Curry 03 x 370.6 Noel 03)
321 (145.8 kg.) Hristov 06 UOW (1032 Dieffenbaugher 05 [1097.5 Beachy x 1432 Carlson-Petersen] x 1432 Carlson-Petersen 04) +2%, Orange
268 (121.7 kg.) Hristov 06 UOW (1432 Carlson-Petersen 04 x Self) +15.5%
#1 Hristov 06 (720.6 Noel [1068 Wallace x 1104.5 Hester] x Self)

NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)

  Cucurbita moshcata Butternut, Musky squash Cultivars:
Butterbush 2007
Long Necked Butternut OUT
Musquee de Provence OUT
Zhemchuzhina 2007
NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)
  Cucurbita pepo Field Pumpkin Cultivars:
Gill's Golden Pippin 2007
Hamlet - Ukrainian naked seed variety. Semi-bush plant. Round flattened fruit. Average weight 2.5-4 kg. / 5.5-9 lb. Light green naked seeds. High oil content. Taste of fruit is mediocre. 2008 Image
Spaghetti 2008
Sugarloaf Delicata 2007
Sweet Dumpling 2006
Table Gold 2008
Winter Luxury Pie 2008
NOTE: Controlled pollinations (hand pollinated)
2008 Cyclanthera pedata Achoccha, Korila Vegetable.
The taste is beany-cucumber like.
More info
2007 Daucus carota Carrot Variety: Yellowstone
2005 Eruca sativa Arugula, Rocket, Rocquette, Rocket lettuce Salad plant.
OUT Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Has very aromatic (much more than common Strawberry) edible fruits 
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OUT Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens' Alpine strawberry Fruit
Larger than Fragaria vesca, but with inferior taste
OUT Fragaria viridis Green strawberry Strawberry with green fruit.
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OUT Geranium macrorrhizum Thick-rooted cranesbill An ornamental plant with very fragrant leaves. Prefer semi shade. 
Excellent ground cover. 
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2008 Helleborus odorus Hellebore, Bear-s-foot An ornamental plant. As ornamental is very rare, but I think that is quite attractive.
Images and info
OUT Hippophae rhamnoides Sea Buckthorn For description of some Russian cultivars - CLICK HERE.
2007 Leucojum aestivum Summer snowflake, Loddon Lily Flower
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2008 Lotus tetragonolobus
syn. Tetragonolobus purpureus
Asparagus pea Vegetable - Considered to be a gourmet food, but for me when RAW tastes like a grass.
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2008 Malva verticillata 'Crispa' Chinese Mallow Edible leaves.
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  Melothria scabra Melothria Edible small fruits that looks like watermelons. Cucumber-like taste.
Image and info

Two varieties:
1 - The common one - that looks like mini watermelon
2 - Looks like mini Mid Asian melon - spotted (like Crane melon). When ripe is yellow (spotted) and has melon like aroma, but is bitter.

2007 Mespilus germanica Medlar Fruit-tree - small fruited form (excellent taste), has superior taste than the large fruited form.
fruit size - up to 3.5 cm. wide; 4.5 cm. long
tree - up to 6-7 m. high
For comparison the large fruit form has:
fruit size - up to 6-7 cm. wide; 3.5 cm. long
tree - up to 2 - 2.5 m. high
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special trade

Morus alba 'alba' White mulberry Fruit-tree (common form - has white fruits). Taste: excellent - very sweet - NOT insipid.
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special trade

Morus alba f. ? Purple White mulberry Fruit-tree (form with purple fruits)
Taste: excellent - very sweet (same as form Alba)

special trade

Morus alba 'tatarica' Black White mulberry, Russian 
Fruit-tree (form with black fruits)
Taste: excellent - mildly acide (my favourite form)

special trade

Morus alba 'Pendula' Weeping White Mulberry A very attractive ornamental Fruit-tree.
A weeping form - up to 4-5m. (13-16 ft.) high and 5m. (15 ft.) wide. Fruit - black.
2008 Ocimum basilicum Basil Cinnamon
  Physalis ixocarpa Tomatillo, Mexican Husk Tomato Vegetable.
More info
2005 #1   - Large fruited (pale yellow when ripe).
2004 #2   - Medium fruited (purple when ripe).
2007 #3   - 'Arbuznii OF' - Russian variety, large to very large, pale yellow when ripe
2007 #4   - 'Mramornii OF' - Russian variety, medium large to large, bi-color purple/pale yellow when ripe
2005-08 Physalis peruviana Cape gooseberry, Goldenberry, Poha Fruit
3 varieties (seeds received from different sources)
More info
More info2
More info3
  Physalis pruinosa / Physalis pubescens Strawberry tomato / Ground cherry Fruit.
Aunt Molly's 2007
Iziumnii 2007
New Hanover 2005
Yantar 2007
Zolotaya Rossyp 2007

Also 3 unnamed varieties (seeds received from different sources) 2005

More info - Physalis pruinosa
More info - Physalis pubescens

special trade
Prunus cerasifera 'atropurpurea'
syns. Prunus cerasifera pissardii 
Prunus pissardii
Red-leaved Cherry Plum Seeds OUT
Cuttings for grafting - Special trade

A very attractive ornamental Fruit-tree. 
A red/purple-leaved form.
Images and info

  Prunus cerasifera
syn. Prunus myrobalana,
Prunus divaricata
Cherry Plum, Myrobalan Fruit-tree
The average yield varies from 50 to over 100 kg. (some forms) per tree.
For description of the Bulgarian cultivars of Prunus cerasifera - CLICK HERE
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special trade
#1   Seeds OUT
Cuttings for grafting - Special trade

fruit size: medium to large
taste: very good 
colour: red
high yielder
My photo

special trade
#2   Seeds OUT
Cuttings for grafting - Special trade

fruit size: medium to large
taste: very good
colour: blue (red with blue coating)

special trade
#3   Seeds OUT
Cuttings for grafting - Special trade

fruit size: medium to large
taste: very good
colour: black (very dark red)
My photo

special trade
#4   Seeds OUT
Cuttings for grafting - Special trade

fruit size: small to medium
taste: good
colour: Yellow

OUT Pyrus pyraster
(Pyrus communis ssp. communis, 
Pyrus communis var. pyraster)
Wild Pear Fruit-tree 
Has aromatic fruits (up to 3.5cm. in diameter (1.34in.)). When fruit is overripe taste is very good - before then is astringent. 
More info
2006 Ruscus aculeatus var. aculeatus Butcher's broom Evergreen ornamental plant. Height: up to 60cm. (2ft.). 
Prefer: full shade
Image and more info
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2006 Ruscus hypoglossum   Evergreen ornamental plant. Height: up to 60cm. (2ft.). 
Prefer: full shade 
Images and more info1
Images and more info2
2008 Salsola soda Saltwort Used as leaf vegetable.
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2008 Sium sisarum Skirret, Crummock Edible roots.
More info
  Solanum lycopersicum
syn. Lycopersicon esculentum
42 Days red, very early, det. 2005
Abakanskiy Rozovyi pink, oxheart 2007
Anna Russian pink, oxheart 2007
Arkansas Traveler dark pink 2004
Aunt Gertie's Gold ogarange, large 2007
Aunt Ginny's Purple pink, large to very large 2006
Aunt Ruby's German Green green 2004
Auriga orange, high caroten 2005
Bear's Claw red 2007
Big Rainbow bi-color (yellow - red) 2006
Black Altai dark brown-red 2006
Black Ananas / Pineapple bi-color (green - red) 2006
Black Cherry dark purple 2006
Black Ethiopian dark brown-red 2005
Black from Tula dark red-purple 2006
Black Krim dark red-purple 2006
Black Plum dark red 2004
Black Prince dark red 2004
Black Sea Man dark brown-red 2005
Brandywine pink, large to very large 2006
Brandywine Red, Landis red, round 2007
Brandywine, Cherry pink, large cherry size 2005
Brandywine, Platfoot yellow - orange, large to very large 2005
Brandywine, Sudduth's pink, large to very large 2006
Brandywine, Yellow yellow - orange, large to very large 2008
Brown Cherry dark red to brown, plum shaped 2005
Bull's Heart Oxheart com.
Caspian Pink pink 2006
Cherokee Chocolate dark brown-red 2006
Cherokee Green green 2007
Cherokee Purple purple 2005
Climbing Trip pink, large to very large 2004
Debarao Black dark brown-red 2006
Delicious red, large to very large 2006
Dikaya Roza (Wild Rose) pink 2007
Dr. Wyche's tomato yellow 2006
Elberta peach red, striped, fuzzy fruit and plant 2006
Eva purple ball dark pink to purple 2006
Evergreen green 2006
German Red Strawberry red, large to very large 2006
Ghost Cherry pale yellow to white, fuzzy 2006
Gold Medal bi-color (yellow - red), large to very large 2006
Golden Pineapple bi-color (yellow - red), large to very large 2006
Golden Treasure yellow (winter storage type) 2004
Great White pale yellow to white 2004
Green Bell Pepper green, striped, hollow 2005
Green Giant green 2007
Green Grape (det.) green, cherry size 2004
Green Pineapple green 2004
Green Sausage green, striped, det. 2005
Green Zebra green, striped 2005
Hawaiian Pineapple yellow - orange 2006
Huan U (Topaz) New Chinese variety. Small yellow, golden striped, pointed plum. Beautiful. Very good taste. Indet. Image 2008
Hugh's yellow 2006
Japanese Trifle Black dark red 2004
Kalman's Pink pink, roma type 2007
Kellogg's Breakfast (potato leaf) yellow - orange 2006
Lillian's Yellow yellow 2006
Limmony yellow 2006
Long Keeper red-orange (winter storage type) 2006
Lucky Heart bi-color, oxheart 2007
Lutescent red, has yellow leafs 2004
Marianna's Peace pink 2007
Marizol majic bi-color (yellow - red), cherry 2004
Marizol Purple dark pink to purple 2005
Marvel Striped bi-color (yellow - red), large to very large 2006
Matina red, large cherry size 2006
Mexican Honey red cherry 2004
Moldovan Green green 2005
Nepal red 2006
Neves Azorean Red red, large to very large 2006
Nyagous dark red-brown 2006
Oaxacan Jewel bi-color (yellow - red) 2004
Orange Strawberry orange 2005
Paul Robeson dark red 2006
Peach pale yellow, fuzzy 2005
Peron red 2004
Persimmon orange 2007
Pineapple Striped bi-color (yellow - red), large to very large 2006
Pink Peach pink, fuzzy 2005
Pink Potato Top pink 2007
Plum Lemon yellow, looks like lemon 2005
Polish pink 2007
Polish C pink-red 2006
Polish non-acid pink 2007
Polish Egg red 2006
Polyarnik red, early 2007
Praleska red, early 2007
Principe Borghese red, det. 2004
Pruden's Purple pink, large to very large 2005
Purple Calabash dark purple 2006
Purple Price purple 2006
Purple Russian purple-brown 2005
Purpur Isonica purple-brown (similar to Purple Russian, but not same) 2005
Red Grape red, grape size and shape 2004
Red Pear red, small, pear shaped 2006
Red Zebra red, striped 2006
Reisetomate (Garlic tomato) red (weird variety) 2006
Russian Persimmon orange 2005
Schimmeig Creg red, striped 2006
Schimmeig Striped Hollow red, striped, hollow 2005
Sebastopol red cherry (crack resistant) 2004
Silvery Fir Tree red, carrot like leafs, det. 2006
South American Banana red, paste 2004
Spears Tennessee Green green 2006
Stick / Locke red, unique 2007
Striped German bi-color (yellow - red), large to very large 2006
Stump of the World pink-red 2006
Sungold OP yellow-orange cherry 2006
Sutton White white to pale yellow 2006
Sweet Thing Grape red, grape size and shape 2005
Sweetie red cherry 2004
Tiger like red, striped 2006
Tigerella red, striped 2004
Tlacolula Ribbed pink-red 2006
Transparent pale yellow 2007
Turandot Image Indet. 2007
Tzi Bi U (Violet Jasper) New Chinese variety. Small purple, round to plum shaped, striped/speckled tomatoes. Beautiful. Very good taste. Indet. Image 2008
Vorlon red-brown 2007
White Beauty white to pale yellow 2004
White Oxheart pale yellow to white 2006
White Queen pale yellow to white 2004
White Tomesol white to pale yellow 2006
Yasenichki Yabuchar red, round-oblate 2007
Yellow Bell yellow 2006
Yellow Pear yellow, small, pear shaped 2004
Yellow Ruffled yellow 2006
Yellow Speckled Roma yellow (striped) 2008
Yellow Stuffer yellow, like bell pepper 2005
Yellow-out Red-in bi-color 2007
Yubileyny Tarasenko red, egg-shaped with a pointed end 2007
Zebra bi-color (yellow - red) 2006
Zigan dark pink-purple 2004

NOTE: Most of these varieties are not grown under isolation, so off-types are possible. 2004 seeds are checked for germination.

Few Bulgarian varieties (commercial seeds):
Achi - semi-determinate, red round
Bela - determinate, paste (Roma type) (more info)
Bononiya - determinate, red round (more info)
Ideal - indeterminate, red round. The most popular backyard variety in Bulgaria
Trapezitza - determinate, red round (more info)
Merkurii (Mercury (the planet, not the chemical)) - determinate, red round
Milyana - determinate, red round
Rozov Gigant (Pink Giant) - Maybe this is the variety known as 'Large Pink Bulgarian'!?
Cherven Gigant (Red Giant)

  Solanum tuberosum Potato Old French purple-fleshed varieties. Virus free in 2003. Will send cherry sized tubers:
La Patraque - Purple skin and flesh. Non-uniform shape and size. Low starch, but used for puree. Good taste. Big plant. Late.
Negresse - Purple skin and flesh. Non-uniform shape and size. Low starch, but used for frying. Good taste. Big plant. Late.
Vitelotte Noire - Purple skin and flesh. Non-uniform shape and size. Low starch, salad type. Good taste. Big plant, stems can grow up to 1.8 m. / 6 ft. Late.
  Sorghum bicolor Sorghum Varieties:
White Popping Sorghum (White Tarahumara Popping Sorghum) - pops like popcorn. 2005
Sweet Sorghum - 'Iowa Sweet'
Sweet Sorghum - variety name unknown - brown seeded 2007
Sweet Sorghum - variety name unknown (from Bulgaria) - black seeded 2007
OUT Staphylea pinnata Bladder nut Shrub / small tree with edible seeds
Taste: not bad (like Pistachio)
My photo
More info
2008 Tragopogon porrifolius Salsify Root vegetable.
variety: Fiore Blu
2008 Trigonella caerulea Blue Fenugreek Spice
Images and more info
2006 Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek Spice
More info

I'm looking for seeds/plants of:


Apios americana - Ground nut
Apios fortunei
Apios priceana - Price's Potato-bean
Asimina triloba - Pawpaw (any with high quality (tasty) fruit)

Bamboos hardy to at least -18° C / 0° F

Crataegus spp. - any hawthorn species with relatively large and good tasting fruit

Malus spp. - Apple (red fleshed varieties - prefered cuttings, but seeds are OK)

Oxalis tuberosa - Oca (day length neutral varieties)

Potatoes: Colourful varieties (non white/yellow fleshed)

Smallanthus sonchifolius (syns. Polymnia sonchifolia, Polymnia edulis) - Yacon
Solanum muricatum - Pepino Dulce (with tasty fruit)

Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas):
Dingess Yellow
Ginseng Red
Korean Purple
Maryland 810
Nancy Hall
Oklamex Red/Oklahoma Red
Old Kentucky


Daikon (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) - variety: 'Sakurajima' aand/or `Moriguchi'
Root Parsley - Bartowich Long (good tasting varieties)

Maize/Corn (Zea mays):
Aztec Red Flour
Cuzco Gigante / Paraccai-Sara / Giant-seeded maize
Cuzco Gigante Amarillo / Yellow-seeded Cuzco maize
Cuzco Morado
Laurie (Sh2)
Maiz Concho a.k.a. Maiz Gordo
Parching Black Cherry
Parching Lavender Mandan
Parching Red Mandan
Rhode Island White Cap a.k.a. Narragansett Indian Flint
Saccsa / Peruvian variegated maize
White Sugar (Sh2)

Agastache neomexicana / Agastache pallidiflora ssp. neomexicana var. neomexicana - New Mexico Giant Hyssop
Allium ampeloprasum - Wild leek cultivar: 'Elephant Garlic'
Allium cernuum - Nodding onion
Amelanchier alnifolia - Juneberry / Saskatoon berry cultivars: Pembina, Smokey ect.
Amelanchier laevis - Allegheny shadberry
Amelanchier lamarckii - Apple serviceberry
Amelanchier stolonifera - Quebec berry
Arctium lappa - Burdock cultivar: Salada Musume
Artemisia dracunculus - French tarragon (plant)

Berberis aristata - Chitra

Carya glabra megacarpa - Coastal pignut hickory
Carya illinoinensis - Pecan (selected variety, zone 5/6)
Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory cultivated
Carya ovalis - Sweet pignut
Carya ovata - Shagbark hickory cultivated
Carya pallida - Sand hickory
Castanea dentata - American chestnut
Castanea henryi
Castanea pumila - Chinquapin
Castanea pumila ashei - Chinquapin
Cornus mas - Cornelian cherry (Dwarf, Pyramidal, White-fruited, other large fruited)
Cyperus esculentus - Tiger Nut, Chufa, Yellow Nutsedge

Diospyros virginiana - American persimmon high quality fruit (excellent taste)

Eleocharis dulcis - Chinese waterchestnut

Gaultheria mucronata

Juglans ailanthifolia - Japanese walnut
Juglans ailanthifolia cordiformis - Heartseed walnut
Juglans nigra - Black Walnut (thin-shelled)

Medeola virginiana - Indian cucumber root
Microseris lanceolata - Murnong / Yam Daisy
Morus spp. variety 'Pakistan' (cuttings)

Passiflora incarnata - Maypop (clone with tasty fruit)
Perideridia gairdneri - Yampa
Physalis chenopodifolia
Physalis heterophylla - Clammy ground-cherry
Physalis peruviana - Goldenberry, Cape Gooseberry, Poha (named variety)
Physalis viscosa - Sticky ground cherry
Pinus edulis - Rocky Mountain piñon
Pinus koraiensis - Korean nut pine
Plectranthus amboinicus/Coleus amboinicus - Broadleaf thyme/Spanish thyme/Cuban oregano (plant)
Podophyllum peltatum - American mandrake
Prunus consociiflora - Chinese wild peach
Prunus pseudocerasus - Cambridge cherry
Prunus simonii - Apricot plum
Psoralea esculenta - Breadroot

Quercus macrocarpa - Burr oak (cultivar: 'Sweet Idaho' or variety with sweet acorn (edible raw))

Ribes divaricatum - Coastal black gooseberry
Ribes pauciflorum
Ribes procumbens
Rubus occidentalis - Black raspberry

Salvia officinalis - varieties: Purple Sage, Golden Sage, Tricolor Sage (plants)
Scolymus maculatus - Spotted Golden Thistle
Solanum centrale - Bush tomato
Solanum chippendalei
Solanum cleistogamum
Solanum ellipticum
Solanum petrophilum
Solanum uporo - Cannibal's Tomato
Sorbus domestica - Service tree

Tasmannia lanceolata - Mountain pepper
Tasmannia stipitata - Dorrigo pepper
Thymus spp. - Thyme varieties: Lemon Thyme, Caraway Thyme, Lavender Thyme, Orange Thyme, Oregano Thyme, Rose Geranium Thyme ect. (plants)
Toona sinensis - Chinese Toon

Zizania aquatica (Zizania palustris) - Wild rice (shatter-resistant variety)

Also I'm looking for:
- Unusual (and tasty<) edible plants (especially fruits), unusual culinary herbs, and for very unusual (and tasty) cultivars of usual species.

NOTE: I do not sell seeds

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