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Regional Initiatives Professional Training

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Regional Water Quality Professional Development Seminars
Scientists examinimg buffer area to protect nearby streams from agricultural pollutants. Increasing capacity of County faculty and staff is the objective of the seminars designed to be offered in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. In March of 2003, day-long seminars will be offered at four sites along the Interstate 5 corridor of Oregon and Washington. The Suburban Salmon seminar will include Best Management Practices that can be suggested to homeowners to lessen the affects of urbanization on wild salmon runs. The interface between proper riparian function, hydrology, and land use practices are the main themes of the day. Also on the agenda is a brief overview of the federal, state, and local regulations that affect landowners. In preparation for a field trip to habitat restoration projects will be a primer on the key considerations, such as soil type, slope and drainage, desirable and undesirable vegetation, and how to best mimick natural areas.

Surveys were circulated in the Cooperative Extension Service systems of the four states, to ascertain the specific information needs and desires of County personnel. The burgeoning growth of the West side of the Cascade Mountains poses questions of how to continue economic growth while protecting wildlife habitat and sustaining the quality of life that is so highly valued in the Pacific Northwest.

In planning agendas for the East side of the Cascades and the Intermountain West, issues to be addressed include variable cropping systems, problems associated with irrigated agriculture and water quality, forestry and mining issues, and TMDL implementation planning. The diverse ecosystems of the region, ranging from desert-like irrigated orchards, rain forested slopes, rolling wheat fields, and tundra allows for varied approaches to be used in the training agendas.

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University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service
University of Idaho Water Quality Program
Northwest Indian College

Oregon State University Water Resources
Washington State University Extension Water Quality

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A cooperative program consisting of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
the Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

- a Regionally-Based National Network -

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program