Newsletter Archive
December 2008, Vol 6, #12 : A Helping Hand for Bats | Bats in the News | Clearing Mount Trashmore 
November 2008, Vol 6, #11 : Bats in the News | Pagoda Bats of Vietnam | Scholarship Deadline 
October 2008, Vol 6, #10 : Bats in the News | Bats Underground | Sign Up for a BCI Workshop 
September 2008, Vol 6, #9 : Bats in the News | China’s Tiny Bats | Conserving Jordan’s Bats 
August 2008, Vol 6, #8 : Apply for a Scholarship | Bats and Wind | Bats in the News 
July 2008, Vol 6, #7 : Bats in the News: Better Than Batman | Bat-shooting Ban | Caveless bats of Ukraine 
June 2008, Vol 6, #6 : Bats in the News | Running for Bridge Bats | What’s Killing America’s Bats? 
May 2008, Vol 6, #5 : Artificial Roosts Lure Bats to Restore Rainforests | Bats in the News | Scientists Attack Urgent Threat to Bats 
April 2008, Vol 6, #4 : A Race Against White-nose Syndrome | Bats & Children in Colombia | Prehistoric Bats in Egypt 
March 2008, Vol 6, #3 : Bats in the News | Sign Up Now For a BCI Workshop | Winter Bats on the Wing 
February 2008, Vol 6, #2 : Bats in the News | Mystery Disease Kills U.S. Bats | Protecting Mexico’s Corn 
January 2008, Vol 6, #1 : Bats & Kangaroos | Bats in the News | Member Nights at Bracken Cave 
December 2007, Vol 5, #12 : Almost-natural Tree Roosts | BCI Workshops | Climate Change Threatens Bats 
November 2007, Vol 5, #11 : Bat Houses for Norway | Bats in the News | Unique Bat Sanctuary 
October 2007, Vol 5, #10 : Barbed Wire | Bats in the News | Business for Bats 
September 2007, Vol 5, #9 : Apply for BCI Scholarships | Bats in the News | Insect-eaters of the Tropics 
August 2007, Vol 5, #8 : Bats in the News | Border Bats | Conservation in India 
July 2007, Vol 5, #7 : Bats in the News | Listening for Tasty Frogs | New Bat Stamp 
June 2007, Vol 5, #6 : Bats in the House | Bats in the News | Running for Bats 
May 2007, Vol 5, #5 : Bats in the News | Island of Discoveries | Rainforest pollinators 
April 2007, Vol 5, #4 : Bats in the News | Challenging Myths in Kenya | Water for Wildlife 
March 2007, Vol 5, #3 : Baby Talk | Bats in the News | Norwegian ‘Bat Boxes’ 
February 2007, Vol 5, #2 : Bats in the News | Entertaining Education | Saving a Rare Roost 
January 2007, Vol 5, #1 : A New World’s Record | Bats in the News | Member Nights at Bracken Cave 
December 2006, Vol 4, #12 : Bats in the News | Stoats, Rats & Bats | Water for Wildlife 
November 2006, Vol 4, #11 : A Dutch Bat House | Bat Conservation in Canada | Bats in the News 
October 2006, Vol 4, #10 : Bats in the News | Gating in Death Valley | Seeking Solutions 
September 2006, Vol 4, #9 : Bats in the News | New Homes for Forest Bats | The Value of Dirt 
August 2006, Vol 4, #8 : Bats in the News | BCI Scholarships Fund Student Research | Rediscovering an ‘Extinct’ Mexican Bat 
July 2006, Vol 4, #7 : Bats in the News | BCI Photos Go Online | High-Tech Bat Counting 
June 2006, Vol 4, #6 : Bats go to War – Almost | Bats in the News | The 'Bat Jungle' in the Cloud Forest 
May 2006, Vol 4, #5 : Bats in the News | Last Chance for a Workshop | Paper, Pencils & Flying Foxes 
April 2006, Vol 4, #4 : Bats in the News | Protecting the City Bats of Romania | The Oldest Bat on Record 
March 2006, Vol 4, #3 : A New Face for Artificial Roosts | A Viral Misfire | Bats in the News 
February 2006, Vol 4, #2 : A Surprise in Nepal | Bats in the News | Teaching Teachers about Bats 
January 2006, Vol 4, #1 : Bats in the News | See the Bats Fly at Bracken Cave | Tracking Saltpeter 
December 2005, Vol 3, #12 : Discovering the Bats of Uganda | Saving an Endangered Bat | The Stars Come out at Night 
November 2005, Vol 3, #11 : A Guano-based Ecosystem | A Young Champion for Bats | Replacing Superstition in the Philippines 
October 2005, Vol 3, #10 : A Bats Time of Year | Take to the Field with BCI | Wind Energy: A Lethal Crisis 
September 2005, Vol 3, #9 : ‘Nature’s Crop Dusters’ | Concrete Trees | Return of the (Bat) Mummy 
August 2005, Vol 3, #8 : A Celebration of Austin’s Bats | Evicting Historic Bats | Seminoles Switch to Winter Homes 
July 2005, Vol 3, #7 : Checkout Our Shopping Cart | How much is a bat worth? | Transplanting Endangered Baby Bats 
June 2005, Vol 3, #6 : Bats Face Windy Dangers | Protecting Cotton | Restoring a Natural Wonder 
May 2005, Vol 3, #5 : Sand Gives Bat Houses a New Twist | Saving a Bat Bridge | The Pitaya Connection 
April 2005, Vol 3, #4 : A ‘Gentle’ Boot for Wayward Bats | Experience 20 Million Bats | Finding Order
in Chaos
March 2005, Vol 3, #3 : Bats & Flowers in Ecuador | The Bat Box | The Gardener’s Friend 
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Bat Fact: Did you know...the pallid bat of western North America is immune to the stings of scorpions and even the seven-inch centipedes upon which it feeds.
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