US National Arboretum


Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit

Dr. Richard T. Olsen

Research Geneticist
{Washington, DC}


CRIS Project Title:  
Genetic improvement of landscape trees for superior pest resistance

Responsible for basic and applied research to provide the genetic information necessary to 1) develop stress-, disease-, and pest-tolerant cultivars of important landscape trees; 2) increase the diversity and improve the adaptability, longevity, and effectiveness of trees planted in urban landscapes, with particular attention to native germplasm and to fast-growing shade trees suitable for smaller spaces, as street trees, and under utility lines; 3) investigate introgression and the impact of introgression between cultivated selections and native populations and examine barriers to inter-population and interspecific crosses; 4) develop cultivars of interspecific hybrids and of native tree genera that minimize introgression and undesirable fruit; and 5) select superior genotypes that can be efficiently clonally propagated without becoming invasive.

Recently hired to the position (April 2006). Most recent PhD research ( North Carolina State University, 2006; Advisor: Dr, Thomas G. Ranney) was involved with "Utilizing Polyploidy for Breeding Improved Landscape Plants".

The tree breeding program is a broad-based research effort with overall objectives of developing superior cultivars of pest-, disease-, and stress-resistant trees for landscape uses. In addition to resistance or tolerance to pests, diseases, and stresses, trees from the breeding and selection efforts will be evaluated for horticultural merit, ease of propagation, and lack of invasive characters. A new aspect of this program is the goal of breeding and selecting trees for street and utility line plantings. Efforts will continue: 1) to identify and breed hemlock (Tsuga) hybrids and species for resistance to the hemlock wooly adelgid; 2) to evaluate selected clones of American elm (Ulmus Americana) and non-American elms and hybrids for tolerance to Dutch elm disease and insects; 3) to breed and evaluate hybrid hackberry (Celtis) and tupelo (Nyssa) to select improved types; and 4) to propagate and distribute for evaluation germplasm of alder (Alnus), elm (Ulmus), hornbeam (Carpinus), maple (Acer), and zelkova (Zelkova) with potential for cultivar release.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:

Olsen, R. T., Ruter, J.M. , and Reiger, M.W.  2002.  Photosynthetic responses of container-grown Illicium L. taxa to sun and shade.  J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127:919-924.

Dirr, M.A., Adkins, J.A. , and Olsen, R.T.  2002.  Magnolia zenii Cheng. 'Pink Parchment'. HortScience 37:709-710.

Olsen, R. T., and Ruter, J.M.  2001.  Preliminary study shows that cold, moist stratification increases germination of 2 native Illicium species.  Native Plants Journal 2:79-83.

Other Publications:

Utilizing Polyploidy for Breeding Improved Landscape Plants. PhD thesis dissertation, North Carolina State University, 2006 (Advisor: Dr, Thomas G. Ranney)

Effects of Light Intensity and Nitrogen Nutrition on Growth and Photoinhibition of Container-grown Illicium L. Taxa. MS thesis dissertation, University of Georgia, 2001 (Advisor: Dr. John M. Ruter)


Dr. Tom Ranney, North Carolina State University – breeding Catalpa, Chilopsis, and ×Chitalpa

Approximately 20 Cooperators including commercial nurseries, arboreta and botanic gardens, Forest Service, and National Park Service personnel participate in evaluation and propagation of potential cultivar releases developed by Dr. Denny Townsend.

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Last Updated   October 30, 2006 12:55 PM

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