US National Arboretum


Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit

Dr. Donna Fare

Research Horticulturist
{McMinnville, TN}


CRIS Project Title:  
Genetics, Breeding, and Improved Production Efficiency of Nursery Crops

Conducts a research program in nursery crop production with emphasis on: identifying plant physiological constraints with nursery crops, developing improved production methods with field and container systems, and evaluate germplasm of ornamental trees and shrubs for landscape value.

The ornamental industry is so diverse and dynamic that cultural information must constantly be modified and updated. Currently over 400 woody ornamental genera that include over 14,000 cultivated selections are grown in the U. S.  Limited information is available on production systems for many popular species and on cultural requirements needed to meet environmental regulations regarding water, pesticide and nutrient use.  New methods that are developed must be practical to be adopted by nursery producers, and where possible, be compatible with existing industry practices. Since ornamental crop production cannot be standardized nationwide, each production system must be refined for each specific provenance, soil type, and climatic region.  Current research projects include identifying environmental impacts on transplant stress and plant mortality with bare root nursery stock; investigating the root systems of harvested ornamental trees to determine root carbohydrate storage ability; evaluating the use of water, fertilizers, and container substrate in ornamental tree production; developing propagation methods for selected tree and shrub species; and evaluating ornamental merit, disease and insect resistance, and stress tolerance of landscape plants.

Continue investigating factors affecting ornamental nursery stock production and sustainability in three main areas.  One area is to study the environmental stresses, survivability, and hardiness of selected bare root transplants.  Second, is to develop strategies to improve the efficiency of water use, fertilizers, and pesticides in conjunction with minimizing environmental concerns related to water runoff from nursery production areas.  And third, is to evaluate new landscape plants for ornamental merit, disease and insect resistance, and stress tolerance that will aid in appropriate plant selection, and development of improved propagation techniques to increase availability of superior clonal selections to growers and consumers.


Peer reviewed:

1993.  Yeager, T, R. Wright, D. Fare, C. Gilliam, J. Johnson, T. Bilderback, and R. Zondag. Six state survey of container nursery nitrate nitrogen runoff.  J. of Environ. Horticulture 11:206-208.

1994.  Fare, D.C., C.H. Gilliam, G.J. Keever, and J.W. Olive. Cyclic irrigation reduces container leachate NO3-N. HortScience  29:1514-1517.

1995.  Williams, J. D., D.C. Fare, C.H. Gilliam, G.J. Keever, H.G. Ponder, J.T. Owen, and G. Creech. Superior shade tree selections for the Southeastern United States.  J. of Arbor. 21(3):118-121.

1996.  Fare, D.C., C.H. Gilliam, G.J. Keever, and R.B. Reed.  Cyclic irrigation and media affect container leachate and ageratum growth.  J. of  Environ. Hort. 4(1):17-21.
1998.  Keever, G.L., J.C. Stephenson, Jr., and D.C. Fare. Control of basal sprout regrowth in 'bradford' pear with NAA.  Journal of Environ. Hort. 16(3):152-154.

1999.  McDaniels, G.L., D.C. Fare, W.T. Witte and P.C. Flanagan. Yellow nutsedge control and nursery crop tolerance with manage as affected by adjuvant choice.  Journal of Environ. Hort. 17(3):114-119.

2001.  Dunwell, W. C., D. Fare, M.A. Arnold, K. Tilt, G. Knox, W. Witte, P. Knight, M. Pooler, W. Klingeman, A. Niemiera, J. Ruter, T. Yeager, T. Ranney, R. Beeson, J. Lindstrom, E. Bush, A. Owings and M. Schnelle.  Plant evaluation program for nursery crops and landscape systems by the Southern Extension and Research Activities/Information Exchange Group-27.  HortTechnology 11(3):373-375. 

2002. Altland, J.E, C.H. Gilliam, J.H. Edwards, G.J. Keever, D.C. Fare and J. L. Sibley.  Effect of fertilizer formulation and method of application on plant growth and nitrogen leaching in urban landscapes.  J. of Environ. Hort. 20(4):204-213. 

2002.  Altland, J.E, C.H. Gilliam, J.H. Edwards, G.J. Keever, D.C. Fare and J.L. Sibley.  Rapid determination of nitrogen status in annual vinca.  J. of Environ. Hort. 20(3):189-194. 

2002.  Lancaster, A.L., D.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, J.C. Cummins C.D. Pless and D.C. Fare.  Soybean oil controls two-spotted spider mites on burning bush.  J. of Environ. Hort. 20(2):86-92. 

2003.  Altland, J.E., C.H. Gilliam, G.J. Keever, D.C. Fare, J. H. Edwards and J.L. Sibley. Rapid determination of nitrogen status in pansy. HortScience 38(4):537-541.   

2003.Altland, J.E, C.H. Gilliam, J.H. Edwards, G.J. Keever, D.C. Fare and J.L. Sibley.  Fertilization methods affect growth, color and nitrogen leaching winter annuals in landscape beds. J. of Environ. Hort. 21(2):99-107. 

2004.  Pounders, C., D.C. Fare and C. Cheatham.  Provenance and production location affects growth and quality of Quercus phellos L. and Q. shumardii Buckl.Seedlings.  J. of Environ. Hort.  22(4):202-208.

2005. Fare, D.C., P. Knight, C.H. Gilliam, and J.E. Altland.  Weed control for pot-in-pot production using preemergence herbicides.  J. of Environ. Hort. 23(4):204-211.

2005. Fare, D.C., G.J. Keever, and M. Halcomb.  NAA Reduces Vegetative Shoot Growth on Rootstocks of Ornamental Peach.  J. of Environ. Hort.  23:163-166.

2005. Yonghao L., M. Windham, R. Trigiano, D.C. Fare, J. Spiers, and W. Copes.
Spore germination, infection structure formation and colony development of Erysiphe pulchra on dogwood leaves and glass slides.  Plant Disease  89(12):1301-1304.

2005. Yonghao L., M. Windham, R. Trigiano, D.C. Fare, J. Spiers, and W. Copes
Development of Erysiphe pulchra, the causal agent of powdery mildew, on susceptible and resistant flowering dogwood leaf disks.  Canadian J. of Plant Path. (in press).

2006.  Fare, D.C.  Container size and initial trunk diameter effects growth of Acer rubrum L. during production.  J. Environ. Hort. 24:18-22.

Non-Peered Reviewed (Abstracts, Books, and Trade Publications)

1993. Williams, J.D., D.C. Fare, C.H. Gilliam, G.J. Keever, H.G. Ponder, and J.T. Owen. Shade Trees for the Southeastern United States.  Brown Printing, Montgomery, Ala.

1994. Fare, D.C., C.H. Gilliam, and G.J. Keever.  Improved water use efficiency with modified containers.  HortScience 29:828.

1994. Fare, D.C. and W.E. Davis. The effects of container's drainage hole size on plant growth.  Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 39:72-74.

1995. Fare, D.C. and W.E. Davis.  The use of trifluralin for root control in the PNP system.  Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 40:149-151.

1995. Halcomb, M.A. and D.C. Fare.  A survey of the pot-in-pot growers in Tennessee.  Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 40:147-148.

1996. Fare, D.C.  Plant nomenclature and identification. Tennessee Nurserymen's Association, Tennessee Certified Nursery Professional Manual, 2nd ed.

1996.  Fare, D.C. Weed control in the landscape.  Tennessee Nurserymen's Association, Tennessee Certified Nursery Professional Manual, 2nd. ed.

1996.  Halcomb, M.A. and D.C. Fare. Tolerance of a lavender Phlox subulata to preemergent herbicides. Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 41:258-259.

1997. Clatterbuck, W. and D.C. Fare. Trees for medians in Tennessee. UT Extension Publication SP 516.

1997. Clatterbuck, W. and D.C. Fare. Trees to reconsider before planting. UT Extension Publication SP 512.

1997. Clatterbuck, W. and D.C. Fare. . Plant the right tree in the right place. UT Extension Publication SP 511.

1997. Deyton, D., C. Sams, D. Fare, R. Moran, and C. Pless. Using soybean oil as a pesticide on nursery stock.  HortScience 32(3):493.

1997. Fare, D.C. Planting and establishment of woody ornamentals. Chapter 9 In: Master Gardener Handbook UT Extension Publication PB 1578.

1997. Fare, D.C. and W. Clatterbuck. Small flowering trees for Tennessee landscapes.  UT Extension Publication SP 513.

1997. Fare, D.C. and W. Clatterbuck. Small trees for fall splendor.  UT Extension Publication SP 514.

1997. Fare, D.C. and W. Clatterbuck. Evergreen trees for screens and hedges in the landscape.  UT Extension Publication SP 517.

1997. Fare, D. and E. Davis. Container drainage hole size effects leachate volume.  Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 42:501-504.

1997. Halcomb, M. and D. Fare.  1997.  Tolerance of seedlings to pre-emergence herbicides.  Proc. SNA Res. Conf. 42:315-318.

1997. T. Yeager, C. Gilliam, D. Fare, A. Niemiera, T. Bilderback, and K. Tilt.  Best Management
Practice Handbook. Southern Nurserymen Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

1998. Fare, D.C.  Does container drainage hole size affect your water quality. International Plant Prop. Comb. Proc. 48: 608-610.

1998. Fare, D.C., P. Knight, C.H. Gilliam, and M. Halcomb.  Weed control for pot-in-pot production. SNA Res. Conf. 43:370-374.

1998. Lancaster, A.L., D.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, C.D. Pless, D.C. Fare, and M. Halcomb. Management of insects and mites on nursery stock with soybean oil.  SNA Res. Conf. 43:188-190.

1998. Lancaster, A.L., D.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, C.D. Pless, D.C. Fare, R.E. Moran, and J.C. Cummins. Soybean oil used as an alternative pesticide on nursery stock. HortSci. 33(3):485.

1998. Murphy, T.R. and D.C. Fare. Effects of herbicides on selected perennials. SNA Res. Conf. 43:392-395.

1999. Fare, D.C. Let's think out of the pot! International Plant Prop. Comb. Proc. 49: 480-482.

1999. Fare, D.C. Trees for poorly drained soils in the landscape. University of Tennessee Extension Publication SP 533.

1999. Fare, D.C. Trees to plant in containers or wells. University of Tennessee Extension Publication SP 532.

1999. Fare, D.C. A palette of tree forms. University of Tennessee Extension Publication SP 531.

1999. Fare, D.C. Planting woody ornamentals. University of Tennessee Extension Publication BP 1621.

1999. Fare, D.C. Pruning landscape trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. University of Tennessee Extension Publication BP 1619.

1999. Fare, D.C., M. Halcomb, and S. Mullican. Application method affects controlled-release fertilizer response in pot-in-pot production. SNA Res. Conf. 44:97-99.

1999. Lancaster, A.L., D.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, C.D. Pless, D.C. Fare, and J.C. Cummins. Soybean oil controls two-spotted spider mites on burning bush and is less phytotoxic than petroleum oil. HortScience. 34(5):834.

1999. Lancaster, A.L., D.E. Deyton, C.E. Sams, C.D. Pless, and D.C. Fare. Controlling aphids on Hemerocallis with soybean oil. HortScience. 34(5):825.

1999. McDaniel, G.L., D.C. Fare, W.T. Witte, and P.C. Flanagan.  Adjuvant selection affects herbicide control of nutsedge and tolerance by selected nursery crops. SNA Res. Conf. 44:431-436.

2000. Fare, D.C.  Integrated pest management of landscapes. Chapter 3, Planting, establishment and pruning of woody ornamentals.  University of Tennessee Extension Publication BP 1639.

2000. Fare, D.C., C. Mannion, J. Oliver, and S. Mullican. Flatheaded appletree borer infestations on newly planted maple liners. SNA Res. Conf. 45:48-52.

2000. Fare, D.C., W.T. Witte, and P. Flanagan. Root control of nuttall oak and bald cypress in a pot-in-pot system. SNA Res. Conf. 45:153-157.

2001. Fare, D.C.  Controlled-release fertilizer application methods affect maple and plum growth in a pot-in-pot system. HortScience 36(3):539.

2001. Newby, A. and D.C. Fare. Maple growth affected by container and liner size. Proceedings of the SNA Res. Conf. 46:113-116.

2001. Robinson, D. and D. Fare. Influence of cyclic irrigation on weed control in container-grown ornamentals. HortScience 36(3):529-530.

2001. Witte W.T., M.T. Windham, A.S. Windham, F.A. Hale, D.C. Fare, and W.K. Clatterbuck. Dogwoods for American gardens. University of Tennessee Extension Publications PB1670.

2002.  Oliver, J., D.C. Fare, N. Youssef, M. Halcomb, W. Klingeman and P. Flanagan. Monitoring buprestid borers in production nursery areas, pp. 12-13.  In: G. Haun [ed.], Proceedings 29 Annual Meeting Tennessee Entomology Society, 10-11 October 2002, Nashville.  2002.

2003.  Fare, D.C. Container production of Prunus laurocerasus. HortScience  38(6):1274.

2003. Moore, B., D.C. Fare, D.E. Deyton and C.E. Sams.  Chemical defoliants on fall harvested bare root nursery crops.  Proc. of SNA Res. Conf. 48:275-279. 

2003. Oliver, J.B., D.C. Fare, N. Youssef and W. Klingeman. Collection of adult flatheaded borers using multicolored traps.  Proc. of SNA Res. Conf.  48:193-199.

2003.  Pounders, C. and D.C. Fare.  Dynamics of oak production from seed.  Proc. IPPS. 53:329-333.

2003. Robinson D., D.C. Fare and M. Halcomb. Wild Chrysanthemum (Artemisia bulgaris L.) management in fallow land prior to ornamental plant production. HortScience  56:119.

2003. Robinson, D., D.C. Fare, and M. Halcomb.  Weed management in annuals, perennials, and herbaceous ground covers.  University of Tennessee Extension Publication PB 1728.

2004. Fare, D.C.  Effect of bare root and B&B harvest on growth and establishment of landscape size trees.  Proc. of SNA Res. Conf.  49:134-136.

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