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The Director

The Director of Congressional and Legislative Affairs discharges the duties of the Secretary with the authority and direct responsibility for programs associated with legislative and congressional liaison activities. He serves as the Department's principal liaison with Congressional Committees and individual Members of Congress, and as the Department's congressional and legislative liaison with the White House. He communicates the policies of the Department and the viewpoints of the Secretary regarding Congressional issues, and programs and matters of interest to the Department as requested by Members of Congress. In addition, he supervises the coordination, unification, and preparation of the Department's legislative programs, and its presentation to the Office of Management and Budget, and maintains a general oversight role in relation to congressional and legislative activities of the various bureaus and offices.

The Deputy Directors

The Deputy Directors assist in the day-to-day liaison activities with Congressional Committees and individual Members of Congress. They communicate with individual Members of Congress and their staffs on administrative and policy matters affecting the entire scope of the programs and activities of the Department. They support and facilitate an effective interchange of information between Congress and the Department which is necessary for the maintenance of close and harmonious relationships, and which fully reflect the Secretary's policies and viewpoints.

The Legislative Counsel

The Legislative Counsel is responsible for clearance of materials within the Department and through the Office of Management and Budget. The Legislative Counsel reviews legislative documents prepared by Departmental bureaus and offices, and monitors the preparation of coordinated reports. Also, she coordinates Departmental representation at Congressional hearings and ensures the presentation of testimony and reports to Congress. She is responsible for establishing and maintaining contacts on legislative matters with the Congress and with other Federal agencies.


U.S. Department of the Interior  •  Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs  •  1849 C Street, NW  •  Washington, DC 20240
Updated 1/15/2009