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Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook

Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook, which is presented in a newsletter format five times a year, provides current intelligence and forecasts the effects of changing conditions in the U.S. fruit and tree nuts sector. Topics include production, consumption, shipments, trade, prices received, and more. For release dates, see the 2009 release calendar.

Outlook Newsletters (five times a year)
Yearbooks (annual)

Subscribe to e-mail alerts of these reports and see a listing of all outlook reports. Printed copies of the newsletter (together with the yearbook) can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) by calling 1-800-999-6779 (specify SUB-FTS-4036). Users who subscribe to this every-other-month newsletter will also receive articles on timely topics via e-mail notification (ERS subscribers) or by mail (for NTIS subscribers).

Newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and are best viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.

Outlook Newsletters


  • November 25, "Production Forecast Down for All New-Season Citrus Crops Except Lemons"
  • September 26, "Forecast Is For Below-Average 2008 U.S. Apple and Pear Crops, Grape and Cranberry Production Is Up
  • July 30, "Lower U.S. Production Forecast for Most Stone Fruit in 2008
  • May 29, "California To Produce More Strawberries in 2008, Peach, Nectarine, and Plum Production Adequate"
  • March 27, "U.S. Citrus Production Forecast Higher in 2007/08 Than Last Season"


  • November 28, 2007/08 U.S. Citrus Crop Forecast To Reach 12.5 Million Tons
  • September 26, 2007 U.S. Production of Major Noncitrus Fruit Forecast Up Except for Apples
  • July 26, Bigger Crops Forecast for Most Stone Fruit and Almonds in 2007 Than A Year Ago
  • May 24, Combined Strawberry Production In California and Florida Down in 2007, California Stone Fruit Crops
  • March 28, "January Freeze in California Reduces Forcasts for Citus, Strawberry, and Avocado Crops"


  • November 30, "2006/07 U.S. Citrus Crop Forecast Smaller Than A Season Ago"
  • September 28, "2006 U.S. Crop Forecast Smaller for Apples and Grapes, But Bigger for Pears and Cranberries, Than a Year Ago"
  • July 26, "Crops Forecast To Be Bigger for Sweet Cherries And Almonds But Smaller for Tart Cherries and Peaches in 2006 Than a Year Ago"
  • May 25, "California and Florida Strawberry Crops Larger in 2006, California Stone Fruit Supplies Adequate"
  • March 29, "Citrus Fruit and Tree Nut Prices Strong, but Crop Movement Slower Than Last Season Through February"
  • January 26, "California Avocado Production Likely To Increase in 2005/06, Florida Strawberry Supplies Ample"


  • November 30, "Weather Again Reduces Citrus Production In 2005/06"
  • September 28, "2005 U.S. Production Reduced for Apples and Pears, But More Grapes and Cranberries Expected"
  • July 28, "California Citrus Plentiful This Summer But Sweet Cherry, Almond Crops Down"
  • May 26, "2005 Strawberry Production Forecast Up in Two Major States, California Peach Supplies Down"
  • March 31, "Citrus Production Down in 2004/05 Due to Smaller Florida Crops"
  • January 27, "California Avocado Crop Likely Smaller in 2004/05, Florida Winter Strawberry Supplies Abundant"


  • November 23, "Citrus Production Forecast Down in Florida Due to Hurricanes, But Up in California in 2004/05"
  • September 29, "2004 U.S. Pear and Grape Crops Forecast Smaller But More Apples and Cranberries This Fall"
  • July 29, "Smaller Supply of Citrus This Summer, But More Sweet Cherries and Blueberries"
  • May 26, "Abundant Supplies of Strawberries, Peaches, and Nectarines Expected in 2004"
  • March 30, "Large Florida Orange Crop Drives Up Citrus Production In 2003/04"
  • January 28, "Lower Pear and Most Citrus Fruit Grower Prices Weaken Overall Fruit Prices"


  • November 21, "Bigger Citrus Crop Forecast for 2003/04"
  • September 24, "Larger Apple and Pear Crops This Fall"
  • July 30, "More Cherries and Peaches Expected This Summer"
  • May 28, "U.S. Tropical Fruit Supplies Larger, California Stone Fruit Supplies Lower"
  • March 25, "2002/03 Citrus Crop: Florida Production Down, California Up; Grower Prices Down"
  • January 30, "Higher Apple and Pear Grower Prices Drive Up Overall Fruit Prices"


  • November 21, "Citrus Crop Expected Smaller in 2002/03"
  • September 17, "Smaller Crops of Apples and Pears"
  • July 23, "Weather Reduces Some Summer Crops"
  • May 22, "California Stone Fruit Supplies Adequate, U.S. Tropical Fruit Supplies Mixed"
  • March 21, "Citrus Crop and Prices Up in 2001/02"
  • January 31, "2001/02 Fruit Prices Higher Due To Reduced Production"


  • November 19, "Larger Citrus Crop Forecast"
  • September 24, "2001 Fruit Crops Smaller, Prices Higher This Summer and Fall"


Historic Outlook Reports and Yearbooks


For more information, contact: Agnes Perez or Susan Pollack

Web administration:

Updated date: November 25, 2008