National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.


Energy Conservation Opportunities in America Cover

Time to Talk: Who Will Own the Family Woodlands? November 2008
Published with the November 2008 edition of Forestry Notes, this four-page guide was designed for families to use to talk about the next generation of ownership of America’s woodlands.  | PDF |

Energy Conservation Opportunities in America Cover

Our Land, Our Water: Case Studies in Local Successes November 2008
This report highlights 25 watershed or community scale projects led by districts and demonstrates the value of locally led conservation on a range of natural resource challenges. Available in 5.9MB Acrobat format, the 56-page publication was produced by NACD in cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. | PDF |

Partnering for Wildlife Feature Story – September/October 2007
In addition to traditional partners, many other groups are eager to team up with districts to make improvements on private land that lead to increased wildlife habitat. They offer a smorgasbord of resources including funding, equipment and greater visibility. Read our September/October 2007 feature story today to learn about a handful of partners you can work with. | PDF |

Fire Plan

Conservation Districts' Role in Implementing National Fire Plan – May 2007
This publication takes a second look at the role of conservation districts in implementing the Fire Plan. The booklet, available in Acrobat format, was produced by NACD in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and US Department of Interior to provide conservation districts with a tool to motivate and educate your communities and help mitigate the dangerous impacts of wildland fires in your areas. | PDF |

Energy Conservation Opportunities in America Cover

Energy Conservation Opportunities in Agriculture – May 2007
The goal of this report is to help raise awareness among producers about the energy conservation opportunities by highlighting how today's agricultural producers are changing farming and ranching practices to conserve energy, reduce consumption and generate energy from renewable sources. | PDF |

Homegrown energy coverHomegrown Energy: America's New Power Plants – 2007
The way we farm is rapidly changing rural America and agricultural policy must adapt to new social, economic and environmental forces. Leading the way are clean, renewable biofuels. This report discusses renewable energy and the role of agriculture and producers in this rapidly changing energy industry. | PDF |

Renewable Energy – November/December 2006
This News and Views centerspread is all about renewable energy. It explores the different sources of renewable energy and its future potential as well as stories of districts who are working with renewable energy. | PDF |

Homegrown energy coverWorking Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands – December 2005
NACD and a number of partners worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to compile a “wildlife toolbox” brochure titled Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands. From explanations of Habitat Conservation Plans to a definition of Safe Harbor agreements, this publication provides a “must-have” knowledge base for private landowners. | PDF |

Conservation Marketplace – May/June 2003
This report addresses how market-driven approaches to conservation can stimulate new areas of innovation and flexibility by utilizing market forces to achieve environmental improvements. Trading provides incentives to sellers to provide more environmental protection measures than legally required and allows buyers to achieve compliance in a way that is faster and less expensive than the ultimate facility upgrade that might be necessary for a regulated entity. Learn how agriculture and conservation can help provide the solution and benefit in the process. | HTML |

Conservation Innovations Task Force (CITF) Report December 2003
This report reflects the findings of the Conservation Innovations Task Force, which was comprised of members from NACD and partner organizations and agencies. The group met on November 13, 2003 in Washington, D.C. to brainstorm about emerging issues of importance to the National Conservation Partnership. Included in this report are the Task Force’s findings and recommendations. | PDF |

Bioenergy: Power for Agriculture and Conservation – January 2002
This report addresses the increasing demand for environmentally friendly energy sources and bioproducts by providing an overview of biomass: what it is, its different forms and why it is important. It also explains the opportunities biomass creates for agriculture and the conservation partnership. | HTML |

The Conservation Delivery System at Work: Developing cutting edge research in soil carbon storage
This article discusses the importance of carbon storage to soil and the atmosphere as well as the purpose behind carbon soil projects, such as those conducted in Iowa and Nebraska. The goal of this research is to provide a clearer understanding of how agriculture can provide a solution to global climate change while simultaneously improving soil and water quality. | HTML |

Water Quality Fact Sheets
Six fact sheets have been produced as part of a cooperative project with the US Environmental Protection Agency to help conservation districts and their partners in their efforts to reduce nonpoint and point pollution to improve the quality of the water in our nation’s streams and waterbodies.

Forestry Notes Special Reports
NACD's works with the Forestry Service to Produce the monthly newsletter Forestry Notes. Periodically an issue of special interest is highlighted in in a 4-page insert called a Special Report and included with the newsletter. These informative inserts are valuable sources of information and are each stand alone publications.