National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.


Contests provide an excellent opportunity for students to enjoy healthy competition while learning about conservation. NACD and the NACD Auxiliary annually partner to host the National Poster Contest and the Photo Contest. NACD also serves as a sponsor and judge for the annual Canon Envirothon contest.

Photo contest winner - butterflyPhoto Contest
A picture can be worth even more than a thousand words. Good photographs can lend a helping hand to numerous projects: they strengthen publicity for a fund-raiser, make a newsletter more appealing and reveal the beauty of wetlands to elementary students. The Photo Contest recognizes effective use of photography.

Poster Contest - Sample winnerPoster Contest
The annual National Conservation Poster Contest provides kindergarten through twelfth grade students an opportunity to convey their thoughts about soil, water and related natural resource issues through art. It also highlights the educational outreach efforts of conservation districts and their state associations, auxiliaries and agencies. The contest follows the annual Stewardship theme.

Envirothon logoEnvirothon
Each year, Envirothon provides more and more students with a chance to get "up-close and personal" with North America's natural resources. Envirothon offers both in-class curriculum and hands-on field experiences focused around ecology, natural resource management and current environmental issues.