National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program
Natural Resources and the Environment
Watershed Processes and Water Resources

Projects funded for FY 2005

Note: Each proposal number is linked directly to its respective
CSREES Current Research Information System (CRIS) record.

Principal Investigator: Fisher, T.R.
Proposal Number: 2005-03892
Performing Institution: University of Maryland
Amount of Award: $493,000 l 24 months
Title of Award: Effects of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Nitrate Losses from Croplands of the Choptank River Basin

Principal Investigator: Mackie, R.I.
Proposal Number: 2005-03961
Performing Institution: University of Illinois-Urbana
Amount of Award: $493,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Residues in Water and Soil in Close Proximity to Swine Production Facilities

Principal Investigator: Steenhuis, T.S.
Proposal Number: 2005-03929
Performing Institution: Cornell University
Amount of Award: $490,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Visualization and Quantification of Bacterial Transport in Sand Under Steady and Transient Flow

Principal Investigator: Wooster, D.
Proposal Number: 2005-03960
Performing Institution: Oregon State University
Amount of Award: $465,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Impacts of Irrigation Diversions on River Ecosystems

Principal Investigator: Jenkins, M.B.
Proposal Number: 2005-04017
Performing Institution: ARS, USDA
Amount of Award: $448,000 l 48 months
Title of Award: The Role of Ponds in Reducing the Threat of Pathogen Contamination from Livestock in Agricultural Watersheds

Principal Investigator: Fernald, A.
Proposal Number: 2005-03970
Performing Institution: New Mexico State University
Amount of Award: $441,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Effects of Ditch and Field Irrigation Seepage on Rio Grande Flow

Principal Investigator: Fox, G.A.
Proposal Number: 2005-04022
Performing Institution: University of Mississippi
Amount of Award: $330,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Quantifying the Importance of Lateral, Subsurface Flow on Sediment Load to Streams

Principal Investigator: Poole, G.C.
Proposal Number: 2005-03980
Performing Institution: Eco-metrics, Inc.
Amount of Award: $325,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: River Ecosystem Resilience Synergies of Excess Sediment and Nitrogen: Degraded Hyporheic Dynamics and Compromised River Ecosystem Resilience

Principal Investigator: Hood, E.W.
Proposal Number: 2005-03881
Performing Institution: University of Alaska Southeast
Amount of Award: $295,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Salmon and Wetland Influences on Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Forested Watersheds

Principal Investigator: Bouchard, V.
Proposal Number: 2005-03928
Performing Institution: Ohio State University
Amount of Award: $176,000 l 36 months
Title of Award: Nitrogen Removal in Agricultural Watersheds: Ecological Interactions Associated with Forested and Agricultural Headwater Streams

Principal Investigator: Fraterrigo, J.
Proposal Number: 2005-04015
Performing Institution: Iowa State University
Amount of Award: $115,000 l 24 months
Title of Award: Influence of Landscape- Weather Interactions on Biological Water Quality in Agricultural Watersheds

Principal Investigator: Gold, A.J.
Proposal Number: 2005-03978
Performing Institution: University of Rhode Island
Amount of Award: $95,000 l 24 months
Title of Award: Evaluating In-Stream Denitrification: Pilot Studies and Site Characterization

Principal Investigator: Kroll, C.N.
Proposal Number: 2005-03897
Performing Institution: State University of New York, Col. of Envir. Sci. & Forestry
Amount of Award: $87,000 l 12 months
Title of Award: Improving the Estimation of Low Stream Flow Statistics at Ungauged River Sites

Principal Investigator: Barrett, K.
Proposal Number: 2005-03915
Performing Institution: Montclair University
Amount of Award: $47,000 l 24 months
Title of Award: Is Urbanization of Rural Water-Supply Watersheds a Threat to Water Availability During Dry Weather in New Jersey?